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vbl 2013-02-08 07:31

N9 interact with Samsung tagtile
is this work? can i use an app to program this samsung nfc tag? I plan to purchase some, but i want to make sure it work & programmable. Thanks :)

vbl 2013-02-09 20:18

no one know about this :(

MohammadAG 2013-02-10 08:56

Re: N9 interact with Samsung tagtile
If it's a generic NFC tag it should work fine, why not buy some plain NFC tags? Usually stuff that's branded is more expensive, and with NFC tags it really doesn't matter (unless we're talking bytes)

vbl 2013-02-11 00:43

Thank You so muchh

Kroll 2013-02-12 21:22

Re: N9 interact with Samsung tagtile
If this tags are not meant to be connected via BT or Wi-Fi, then I don't see any problems.

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