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ade 2013-02-20 16:01

[Announce] Cellnet-Info for N900
3 Attachment(s)
Netmon like program to provide cellular info. Reason for creation was to learn a bit more about cellular networks and dbus, and I like apps to support portrait mode :)

What does it offer:
  • SIM related info
  • Current cellular info
  • Scan of available mobile networks
  • Find country- and operator codes
  • Landscape/portrait support
  • Help pages for explaining the related terms (mainly based on wikipedia info)
  • Display your approx. postal location using celltower info (internet connection required) using Google API/openCellId

The package can be found in the extras-devel repository.

- The country and operator codes are retrieved from an internal list and will not be up-to-date nor complete.

Tiran 2013-02-20 17:11

Re: [Announce] Cellnet-Info for N900
In an installation time dependence python-pyside.qtmaemo5 demands. ;)

sixwheeledbeast 2013-02-20 17:43

Re: [Announce] Cellnet-Info for N900
Very nice. IMO we needed a replacement for netmon as it was crashing for me intermittantly.

praveenchand 2013-02-21 06:48

Re: [Announce] Cellnet-Info for N900
Nice application, is there any way to get RF parameters like RSCP, EcNo etc etc?

Estel 2013-02-21 08:32

Re: [Announce] Cellnet-Info for N900
Instant subscribe, download and testing :) No bugs so far, despite pestering it with modem turned off, or during mode change - got "ade's quality" stamp on it, good work and thanks.

Would it be possible to measure signal strength of mobile networks in area, when querying them via "Mobile Networks" tab? It would become very handy tool to probe area for best GPRS/3G data plan/prepaid, instead of buying one prepaid per every operator, and testing signal one-by-one.

Also - but you probably thought about it yourself, already - maybe some switch to trigger auto-update of data, at user configurable interval? (1 sec, or 2 sec, or 3 sec, or...).


misiak 2013-02-21 09:44

Re: [Announce] Cellnet-Info for N900

Originally Posted by sixwheeledbeast (Post 1324130)
Very nice. IMO we needed a replacement for netmon as it was crashing for me intermittantly.

Netmon always crashes for me when I'm in roaming (not only international, but also inside my own country, when N900's operator widget reports different network name - my operator apparently has a deal with second one for areas with low or no signal at all, as even the old 3310 behaves like that). I'll try this app in this scenario, soon:)

sixwheeledbeast 2013-02-21 16:42

Re: [Announce] Cellnet-Info for N900

Originally Posted by misiak (Post 1324221)
Netmon always crashes for me when I'm in roaming

IIRC there is an error if run in Terminal, when Netmon crashes.
I have never remembered to report it.

ade 2013-02-21 20:53

Re: [Announce] Cellnet-Info for N900

Originally Posted by praveenchand (Post 1324203)
Nice application, is there any way to get RF parameters like RSCP, EcNo etc etc?

First of all I am not a cellular network expert, so I don't know the exact differences with the current signal indication.
Secondly there is very little official N900 documentation on these matters. Most is found out by the Maemo community itself.
I doubt it if this info can be retrieved, but if you can point me to some commands....


Originally Posted by Estel
Would it be possible to measure signal strength of mobile networks in area, when querying them via "Mobile Networks" tab? It would become very handy tool to probe area for best GPRS/3G data plan/prepaid, instead of buying one prepaid per every operator, and testing signal one-by-one.

Would be nice indeed, but in this case the question is also: how to retrieve this info?


Originally Posted by Estel
Also - but you probably thought about it yourself, already - maybe some switch to trigger auto-update of data, at user configurable interval? (1 sec, or 2 sec, or 3 sec, or...).

That's why I explicitly mentioned the info is static. If I would make it dynamic, I would update it by changing values. I have been playing with that, but abandoned it when I couldn't get it working properly. Maybe I'll try a second time in the future.


Originally Posted by misiak
Netmon always crashes for me when I'm in roaming (not only international, but also inside my own country, when N900's operator widget reports different network name - my operator apparently has a deal with second one for areas with low or no signal at all, as even the old 3310 behaves like that). I'll try this app in this scenario, soon

I did not have the opportunity to test it with any other operator than my default one, so please do test :)

P.s. QtMobility should be able to give a little more info (like if a dual sim card is used), but with this module loaded, PySide crashes everytime in my environment.

peterleinchen 2013-02-21 21:57

Re: [Announce] Cellnet-Info for N900
Nice one. Good one!
It does not offer more information on network than netmon, right?
But SIM info is pretty cool.

Estel's wish to have info on scanned networks would be very handy. But I also do not know it is possible at all.

One remark regarding the scan:
Could you please add a 'Cancel' button? It is annoying to have no chance to abort the scan in any way.

ade 2013-02-21 22:21

Re: [Announce] Cellnet-Info for N900

Originally Posted by peterleinchen (Post 1324329)
Nice one. Good one!
It does not offer more information on network than netmon, right?
But SIM info is pretty cool.

Estel's wish to have info on scanned networks would be very handy. But I also do not know it is possible at all.

One remark regarding the scan:
Could you please add a 'Cancel' button? It is annoying to have no chance to abort the scan in any way.

No, apart from the country name displayed if known and the option to lookup MCC/MNC codes, the network part has no extra info.

I removed the cancel button (which is default), but I will see if I can make it work gracefully once I put it back.

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