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strongm 2013-02-24 11:58

fMobi will not connect
I have the latest version of fMobi for the N9, which was working fine in the recent past.

However yesterday when I tried it it told me there was an timeout error.

Rebooting the phone did not fix this. Removing and reinstalling the app from Ovi store now results in an "An error has occurred. Please try later" dialog on startup, which when cancelled, leads t an ugly, iconless page with an exit, like, refresh, and ! icons at the bottom, none of which do anything useful apart from generating "Error! Facebook API returned 400 Bad Request"

I have also used the link Jiiku provides to fix application permission settings at eh Facebook end in case that was the problem. Made no difference.

Anyone else seeing this, or got any advice?

Storm_11 2013-02-24 12:01

Re: fMobi will not connect
not just you, I'm having problems signing in for the first time after a reflash. Must be a problem on Fmobi's end

jgrite 2013-06-15 14:16

Re: fMobi will not connect
400 yep... I must find another FB client that is kept up to date. I notice fMobi is not in the Nokia Store any more. Same problem with Kasvopus and... Sociality just crashes all the time.

setter 2013-06-15 14:31

Re: fMobi will not connect
fMobi is on Nokia Store for Symbian but he hasn't been able to get it back for MeeGo. Nokia took away the apps after people has complained of the function. You can use a web address from PC to sign in for fMobi and after that it's woork. I posted that link in the fMobi thread.

MeeGo users should authorize via this link (via pc) and then login to fMobi.

LouisDK 2013-06-19 13:21

Re: fMobi will not connect

Originally Posted by setter (Post 1352212)
MeeGo users should authorize via this link (via pc) and then login to fMobi.

Visited the URL from my computer and accepted the fMobi for MeeGo app, but I still get this error message "Error! Session has timed out, you need to relogin".

setter 2013-06-19 13:51

Re: fMobi will not connect

Originally Posted by LouisDK (Post 1353201)
Visited the URL from my computer and accepted the fMobi for MeeGo app, but I still get this error message "Error! Session has timed out, you need to relogin".

Then you must login again from fMobi.
1. Start fMobi
2. Open settings
3. Mark the option "log out when exit"
4. Go back and close fMobi
5. Start fMobi and login

Garp 2013-06-19 14:18

Re: fMobi will not connect

Originally Posted by setter (Post 1353208)
Then you must login again from fMobi.
1. Start fMobi
2. Open settings
3. Mark the option "log out when exit"
4. Go back and close fMobi
5. Start fMobi and login

It don't help anything.
And the message using your link as also others have informed as follows:
SIKKERHEDSADVARSEL: Behandl ovenstående URL, som var den din adgangskode, og del den ikke med nogen." (Security warning: Treat above URL as was it your password and don't divide it with anybody)

One major problem is that maybe the solution could be to remove the app and to make a clean reinstall but you can't get the app from store anymore as mentioned.
Second fmobi have for a period worked for me without major problems but then suddenly without visible cause this error appears!:confused:

setter 2013-06-19 14:25

Re: fMobi will not connect
What happend when you opened fMobi again after you have logged out?

Garp 2013-06-19 14:30

Re: fMobi will not connect

Originally Posted by setter (Post 1353214)
What happend when you opened fMobi again after you have logged out?

In a short second you can see the facebook login screen but it disappear before you can use it and the front page appears!

Garp 2013-06-19 14:40

Re: fMobi will not connect

Originally Posted by jgrite (Post 1352208)
400 yep... I must find another FB client that is kept up to date. I notice fMobi is not in the Nokia Store any more. Same problem with Kasvopus and... Sociality just crashes all the time.

You are right. Problem is that there isn't a single good N9 app for Facebook as for Twitter.
The default is of poor quality and the different TMO made are all half finished or less - fMobi was actually the best until it chrashed!

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