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pious_momin 2013-02-25 21:50

[N9] Permission denied via Winscp
1 Attachment(s)
I'm unable to copy or alter in root directory via Winsp, Why? Which package or developer stuff needs to install on my n9?

Note: I'm on developer mode


Leinad 2013-02-25 21:56

Re: [N9] Permission denied via Winscp

Originally Posted by pious_momin (Post 1325189)
I'm unable to copy or alter in root directory via Winsp, Why? Which package or developer stuff needs to install on my n9?

Note: I'm on developer mode


you are logged in as user, but the folder belongs to root... you must login as root to change it.

pious_momin 2013-02-25 22:01

Re: [N9] Permission denied via Winscp
I changed it to root@ password dialouge bõx pop ups when I enter password says access denied

pious_momin 2013-02-25 22:37

Re: [N9] Permission denied via Winscp
Even I did try this method by maikEF

at 1st: sorry for my bad english :-)

to be root you must in file /etc/ssh/sshd_config the entry
PermitRootLogin no change to PermitRootLogin yes

thats the things i´ve done to go root like n900:

1.) activate developer-mode in phone -> settings -> security
2.) login in terminal as user: ´devel-su´, Password= ´rootme´
3.) keep own user-password: ´passwd user´
4.) open winscp with ´user´ and your own user-password
5.) in winscp open terminal (STRG/CTR+T) and type ´cp /etc/ssh/sshd_config /home/user/´
6.) now you can in change and save the file
7.) take N9 in your hand and open terminal -> ´devel-su´, Password= ´rootme´ and type ´cp /home/user/sshd_config /etc/ssh/sshd_config´
8.) then type ´pkill -o sshd´ or just reboot, and you should be have full root-privileges and you can login as root.

hope this help you.

Schturman 2013-02-25 22:43

Re: [N9] Permission denied via Winscp
And a simple way is N9QT -> tweak H-1

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