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greedness 2013-02-27 07:11

It's Almost March 2013, is n900 still worth buying?

First of all, I am not a big smartphone fan, in fact, my last phone was the Nokia 6680, which I bought way back from 2007.

Anyway, I'm now looking for a new phone... The n900 really caught my attention eventhough it's pretty outdated. Here are a few features that I actually liked:

**It's not too small and not too big
**It's pretty cheap (around $180 - $300 on ebay)

(It says new, Im not so sure tho, give me your thoughts on this one)

**High resolution
**The OS of course (it gives you more freedom than the other OS)
**Storage Capacity (It has 32gb internal and an additional 64gb extrnal - from what I've heard around this forum)

So guys, tell me, is it still worth buying this?
And does this phone has the rotating screen??

oh, and btw, if you guys could recommend another phone, that would be great! The only thing Im looking is a huge huge storage capacity, QWERTY is a bonus!


Dave999 2013-02-27 07:47

Re: It's Almost March 2013, is n900 still worth buying?
It depends, not if u value usability and speed. But it has only or two pretty unique features, but if the price is right and buy a firefox, sailfish, tizen, ubuntu device in the end of the year.

But I can't recommend the device over newer once even if I like it. So go for somthing newer.

Hurrian 2013-02-27 07:48

Re: It's Almost March 2013, is n900 still worth buying?
1) Do you enjoy messing with Linux using a terminal?
If yes: continue.
If no: Look for another phone.

2) Are you very careful with your phones?
If yes: continue.
If no: Look for another phone.

3) Are you able to read documentation and use Google?
If yes: continue.
If no: Look for another phone.

4) Do you really want the N900?
If yes: buy it.
If no: Look for another phone.

greedness 2013-02-27 07:58

Re: It's Almost March 2013, is n900 still worth buying?

Originally Posted by Hurrian (Post 1325594)
1) Do you enjoy messing with Linux using a terminal?
If yes: continue.
If no: Look for another phone.

2) Are you very careful with your phones?
If yes: continue.
If no: Look for another phone.

3) Are you able to read documentation and use Google?
If yes: continue.
If no: Look for another phone.

4) Do you really want the N900?
If yes: buy it.
If no: Look for another phone.

1 what do you mean by messaging with linux? dont it have a sms feature itself?

2 i am careful with phones, whats up with that?

3 why?

4 I really do like the phone...

mr_pingu 2013-02-27 08:26

Re: It's Almost March 2013, is n900 still worth buying?

Originally Posted by greedness (Post 1325596)
1 what do you mean by messaging with linux? dont it have a sms feature itself?

2 i am careful with phones, whats up with that?

3 why?

4 I really do like the phone...

It has SMS feature, of course, it's a phone.
He means playing around with linux and if you don't mind that you don't have all apps your friends (might) have then go for the N900. It's only you must be sure you really want it. Because all "phone" features are pretty basic, for example no MMS support ( there is an application for that though)

2: N900 has a weak USB port so be careful (mine is still intact after 2,5 years, though) and screen scratches easily so a screenprotector is recommended too

3. Well if you have problems with the phone (aside that those problems are almost always the user), dont be afraid to google it up and read what can be done about it. Or some question about how to flash it, most of it's covered up in the wiki of, so make use of that ;)

4 good :)

Note: I don't try to put you off from buying a N900 but you really have to be sure you want it and know of it's shortcomings and not whine afterwards: why I can't play templerun or wordfeud. Just an example :D
Best wishes

qwazix 2013-02-27 08:28

Re: It's Almost March 2013, is n900 still worth buying?
1. Messing, not messaging. I thought messaging too at first glance
2. It's fragile. Search for usb port troubles
3. Many things, icluding the rotating screen need some work from you, sometimes involving the terminal. ON the other hand you can do amazing customizations on this phone
4. Go for it.
5. Beware of the "new" N900's on ebay. Better buy from a regular user who's been taking care of his phone

Dave999 2013-02-27 08:30

Re: It's Almost March 2013, is n900 still worth buying?
dont have native MMS though its possible to send them but a bitty messy from time to time, not sure if you are using it. But its good to know atleast.

greedness 2013-02-27 08:39

Re: It's Almost March 2013, is n900 still worth buying?
OH, he meant "MESSING" lol...

really great help guys, i think imma go for it..

Im actually a web developer myself and I do pretty much simple pentests using terminal, so this feature might come handy..

on the other side, Im pretty much very careful with my stuff.. as i've said, I've owned my previous phone for about 5 years..

@Mr_Pingu yea, im not really that type of person that complains alot, I'm pretty satisfied easily... thanks tho!

@qwazix What about the "new" from ebay? are they like refurbished or something? most of em are from hong kong actually, which i am curious about.. are those legit? they seem to tho cause most of em are top-rated..

Estel 2013-02-27 08:41

Re: It's Almost March 2013, is n900 still worth buying?
Hurrian's "query" is very good way to check, if you may enjoy N900. I could propose another one, though:

Do you want to have full-fledged mobile computer (first) powered by GNU/Linux in your pocket, with phone functionality (second, always)?

N900 is exactly that - mobile computer, which all things related to it (enormous capabilities, but just like with any linux-powered computer, you must get your hand dirty, from time to time). This can't be said about N9, upcoming Ubuntu phone (probably), or any other device, except for very niche (and much more hardware-limited) openmoko's.

So the thing is, what you really want. If you want smartphone (so you can remain dumb ;) ), you won't be satisfied. If you're, hoever - at least in part - geek, look no more.


mr_pingu 2013-02-27 08:45

Re: It's Almost March 2013, is n900 still worth buying?

Originally Posted by greedness (Post 1325606)
OH, he meant "MESSING" lol...

really great help guys, i think imma go for it..

Im actually a web developer myself and I do pretty much simple pentests using terminal, so this feature might come handy..

on the other side, Im pretty much very careful with my stuff.. as i've said, I've owned my previous phone for about 5 years..

@Mr_Pingu yea, im not really that type of person that complains alot, I'm pretty satisfied easily... thanks tho!

You won't regret go for it!

About pentesting, it's even capable of running aircrack-ng with injection, not to speak about other tools like ettercap, dsniff mdk3

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