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oclone 2013-03-09 13:23

Can't uninstall game
Hello everyone,

I have problem with uninstalling the game on my N900. I want to uninstall: Need For Speed Undercover (com-ea-app-nfsuc).

I tried to uninstall from Application Manager, but I keep getting this error message: Unable to uninstall 'com-ea-app-nfsuc'.
The game take place in app. manager update list , but I can't even update it. This message appears: Operation failed

The source installation file is: com-ea-app-nfsuc_20.0.28_armel.deb

Can someone helps me with uninstalling this game?

anthonie 2013-03-09 14:12

Re: Can't uninstall game
You don't. It's a preenv game.

Basically the only thing you need to do is remove A: The directory the game is located, and remove the desktop file, created by .json when you installed the game, within the preenv, from the /usr/share folder.

Look at the page below for more detailed instructions.

oclone 2013-03-09 14:46

Re: Can't uninstall game

Originally Posted by anthonie (Post 1327876)
You don't. It's a preenv game.

Basically the only thing you need to do is remove A: The directory the game is located, and remove the desktop file, created by .json when you installed the game, within the preenv, from the /usr/share folder.

Look at the page below for more detailed instructions.

How can I locate the directory? I don't know the exact game location.

anthonie 2013-03-09 16:41

Re: Can't uninstall game
How did you install it? Manually, by some form of app?

oclone 2013-03-09 16:53

Re: Can't uninstall game
I downloaded the file called: " com-ea-app-nfsuc_20.0.28_armel.deb" and install the game through app. manager. Then I used x terninal to crack the game.
Is there any way to find out the exact game folder and remove the game?

anthonie 2013-03-10 09:19

Re: Can't uninstall game
Did you read the wiki page I just linked?

oclone 2013-03-10 12:23

Re: Can't uninstall game

Originally Posted by anthonie (Post 1328056)
Did you read the wiki page I just linked?

I read it. I tried this function:


$ preenv
$ cd game-folder

I typed:


$ preenv
$ cd /home/user/

Each time I get this message: "Not found"

That's the reason why I asked for the exact game location. I can't uninstall it because I tipe wrong game folder destination.

anthonie 2013-03-10 13:57

Re: Can't uninstall game
Have a look at your desktop file than...


There should be a file (don't know the name but it should be there) that contains nfsuc inn the filename.

In that file the executable is mentioned, as well as it's location.

If you can't figure it out, just find the exact filename and use cat to display the file's' content so you can paste it.

cat /usr/share/applications/hildon/desktopfile.desktop

oclone 2013-03-10 16:56

Re: Can't uninstall game
I tried this function:


$ root
$ apt-get remove

This message appears: "The package com-ea-app-nfsuc needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it."

I also tried this:

$ sudo gainroot
# rm /usr/share/applications/hildon/

This message appears: "Not found"

anthonie 2013-03-10 17:10

Re: Can't uninstall game
Before you continue, please read the wiki-page and not just glance it.

Preenv is an emulator and does notinstall through HAM or apt-get.


paste this in your terminal


ls -lah /usr/share/applications/hildon/com*
This should return the desktop entry for nfscu.

When you have found that file, do not remove it as you seem to have tried but use cat


cat /usr/share/applications/hildon/nameofthedesktopfile
and post the output here.

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