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marcocara94 2013-03-17 10:35

[Request] RaiseToCall app for N9?
i've found an app for the iphone called RaiseToCall.
there is a similar app for the n9 called autocallsms but there is a problem: in landscape mode, when you type an message, it call without you want.

could someone create a similar app of RaiseToCall that haven't this "bug"?


thedead1440 2013-03-17 10:36

Re: [Request] RaiseToCall app for N9?
Autocallsms has a feature for a time the proximity sensor must be covered before making the call so what's the issue then? If there is a bug report on the thread...

lorenzo 2013-03-17 11:36

Re: [Request] RaiseToCall app for N9?
i don't have problems, maybe you have set just 1 sec

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