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daperl 2013-03-24 03:07

This just in: Microsoft still sucking

tortoisedoc 2013-03-24 06:22

Re: This just in: Microsoft still sucking

People are talking about legacy desktop software not running, but they don't think about the customer benefit of only running modern apps
I didn't know "modern" apps are so much better than "legacy desktop" ones :rolleyes:

Dave999 2013-03-24 06:27

Re: This just in: Microsoft still sucking

Originally Posted by daperl (Post 1331253)

Are you Preston gerrera?

Not sure this stuff need a brand new thread since we have plenty off them. But now that we have a thread I will bump it to get your fanboy message across the forum.

Windows is great, simply for no other reason than that it make sure other os vendors to wake up and work faster and better.

Consider you thread bumped,

mikecomputing 2013-03-24 10:01

Re: This just in: Microsoft still sucking
So what NVidia sucks even more, theyr just whining cause theyr chips doesnt't sell well with WindowsRT.

Nvidia should go release core Linuxdrivers instead of crying.

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