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Dhicky 2013-04-16 17:33

My desktop shortcuts dont respond!?
It happens all the time, I need to restart it to make it work again, but it stops respond again soon. Its not the lcd problem. Bcs I can swipe homescreens, menu, and menubar works okay. I just can't click app shortcuts and widgets from desktop. I think It happens after I have cssu 7.2 installed.

don_falcone 2013-04-16 18:10

Re: My desktop shortcuts dont respond!?
Freezing hildon-desktop. Nothing new. Either restart the process or reboot. With high probability its caused by some widget - check the board.

dzano 2013-04-16 19:37

Re: My desktop shortcuts dont respond!?
You must be using Desktop Command Execution Widget!

Uninstall it...and install QBW instead.

malfunctioning 2013-04-17 00:28

Re: My desktop shortcuts dont respond!?

Originally Posted by dzano (Post 1336532)
You must be using Desktop Command Execution Widget!

Uninstall it...and install QBW instead.

I have DCEW, and I experience this issue every few days. Is QBW more solid and problem free? I chose DCEW because it seemed to fit my specific needs (display uptime, reboot count, FM Transmitter power, etc) with less overhead and learning curve than QBW.

dzano 2013-04-17 08:43

Re: My desktop shortcuts dont respond!?
I know..DCEW makes it and all you can do is uninstall it.

I've missed so many calls, sms and alarms until I figured it out.

Dhicky 2013-04-17 18:10

Re: My desktop shortcuts dont respond!?
I'm not sure if I installed it coz when I checked it from appman I can't find it.

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