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malfunctioning 2013-05-04 16:03

Using the N900 as a complete desktop replacement, is it possible?
I would like to be able to do this. Right now I could buy a 19 inch LCD TV with Composite Video In, and connect the video out from the N900 to it.

What I'm missing would be bluetooth keyboard (more or less full size) fully compatible with the N900. USB keyboard is not an option, since the N900 would need to remain connected to the AC supply continuously.

Even better, it would be great to be able to run the N900 without a battery, just from AC power. Right now this is not possible, but maybe in the future?

Does anyone use the N900 in this capacity? What bluetooth keyboards do you use, and what has been your experience? Isn't there a method to map any bluetooth keyboard to work, something like xmodmap?

EDIT: I forgot about mouse. The best solution for me would be to use a keyboard with an integrated trackpoint or trackpad, and be able to operate the N900 that way, although I assume this is next to impossible. Alternatively, I wouldn't mind using a separate mouse. As far as being able to operate the N900 fully through keyboard shortcuts I won't even mention it (although I just did... :o)

lonk 2013-05-04 16:32

Re: Using the N900 as a complete desktop replacement, is it possible?
I've tried this before on a 21 inch tv, but sadly it meant scaling 800x480px which meant text was blurry, even zoomed in. I don't think it will differ too much on 19 inch. but for viewing movies at standard quality and playing games its okay.

I used a Freedom bluetooth keyboard and it works with no problems (HID worked out of the box but SIP works too)

malfunctioning 2013-05-04 16:42

Re: Using the N900 as a complete desktop replacement, is it possible?
Thank you for pointing out the resolution issue. I'm used to watching movies from my N900 on a DLP projector to a screen size of around 70 inches, and for the purpose of watching video it doesn't bother me. I'd have to try this to figure out if it would be a deal breaker, but i don't expect text to be completely crisp. As long as it is usable it would be good enough for me.

That Freedom keyboard, is it being sold still, and what model is it? Did it work out of the box with no workarounds?

lonk 2013-05-04 17:13

Re: Using the N900 as a complete desktop replacement, is it possible?
I used "Freedom Universal Bluetooth Folding Keyboard 2" and I think it worked without hassle because I had kernel-power installed, but I'm not sure if that's the case with the default kernel.

I brought this model in 2007 (in the palm winmo days) and they don't seem to sell this model anymore on their website (but the Freedom Pro keyboard looks like its iteration)

my experience with using the n900 with the tv was mostly me wishing I had a BT mouse to easily navigate with (everytime I had to look back at the n900's screen to click on something, it left me thinking "why don't I just look at the n900?") so I was thinking about getting something like this but I have no clue if this will even work
edit: looks like you mentioned that in your first post :)

malfunctioning 2013-05-04 18:39

Re: Using the N900 as a complete desktop replacement, is it possible?

Originally Posted by lonk (Post 1341214)
my experience with using the n900 with the tv was mostly me wishing I had a BT mouse to easily navigate with (everytime I had to look back at the n900's screen to click on something, it left me thinking "why don't I just look at the n900?") so I was thinking about getting something like this but I have no clue if this will even work
edit: looks like you mentioned that in your first post :)

Yes, that makes perfect sense! A mouse would improve the experience a lot. And a keyboard with integrated mouse (something like a trackpad or the Thinkpad TrackPoint) would be ideal.

nokiabot 2013-05-04 18:45

Re: Using the N900 as a complete desktop replacement, is it possible?
Cant the output resolution a bit increased?? Is that possible even a bit would be fine :)

malfunctioning 2013-05-04 18:59

Re: Using the N900 as a complete desktop replacement, is it possible?
I don't think resolution could be increased. Even if the GPU supports it, there would need to be support from the drivers to do that. And then, the OS would have to support this to not be limitted to something very crude like pixel scaling of the content in the screen of the N900. I don't think it's as easy as it sounds, but I might be wrong.

freemangordon 2013-05-04 19:05

Re: Using the N900 as a complete desktop replacement, is it possible?

Originally Posted by malfunctioning (Post 1341253)
I don't think resolution could be increased. Even if the GPU supports it, there would need to be support from the drivers to do that. And then, the OS would have to support this to not be limitted to something very crude like pixel scaling of the content in the screen of the N900. I don't think it's as easy as it sounds, but I might be wrong.

I guess one can use USB->VGA, though I don't know what the performance would be.

malfunctioning 2013-05-04 19:11

Re: Using the N900 as a complete desktop replacement, is it possible?

Originally Posted by freemangordon (Post 1341254)
I guess one can use USB->VGA, though I don't know what the performance would be.

Thank you for the thought (although it contradicts my goal to free the USB port only for electrical power).

I have no idea about USB video output. Is this supported by the N900? Is it Kernel Power thing? I'll have to read up on it.

Piotrek_PL 2013-05-04 20:48

Re: Using the N900 as a complete desktop replacement, is it possible?
Why not use a usb hub with an external power supply? It would charge the battery and allow you to connect other devices.

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