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sunyakram 2013-05-04 18:15

loop of short misscalls script
my friend use symbian and he always disturbing me with unlimited misscalls, i also search misscaller like symbian smart nJeer for n900 and i find KALL but i want to meke a very shorter misscall loop, is there any script or any idea for me? thanks in advance

sunyakram 2013-05-05 12:16

Re: loop of short misscalls script
Waiting for reply

pichlo 2013-05-05 23:58

Re: loop of short misscalls script
Well, I can't speak for anyone else but I haven't replied yet because I haven't got a slightest idea what on earth you are talking about. Sorry.

md07 2013-05-06 03:58

Re: loop of short misscalls script
Jeer is Python App in Symbian. i find more information about Python in Harmattan, but no one help me to run py app in Harmattan.

juiceme 2013-05-06 04:48

Re: loop of short misscalls script

Originally Posted by md07 (Post 1341569)
Jeer is Python App in Symbian. i find more information about Python in Harmattan, but no one help me to run py app in Harmattan.

Well, you just run it :D

What more help do you need? Python is installed in N9, and you can run it like you would on any OS.

Another thing alltogether is that if your application needs any imported resources that do not exist on the device you of course have to load those to the device before executing. (but that's the really basicest thingies in python, of course you know that...)

md07 2013-05-06 06:17

Re: loop of short misscalls script

Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1341575)
Well, you just run it :D

What more help do you need? Python is installed in N9, and you can run it like you would on any OS.

Another thing alltogether is that if your application needs any imported resources that do not exist on the device you of course have to load those to the device before executing. (but that's the really basicest thingies in python, of course you know that...)

This topic same app Jeer. But it's py script, not app package like Jeer.No one cant help me to run this script.

electroaudio 2013-05-06 06:26

Re: loop of short misscalls script
that pyscript need some changes, a call is handled by dbus on the N900 and probably on the N9 too.
Check how the dbus call works and check how to make a delay and you will easily make a script like that.

md07 2013-05-06 08:17

Re: loop of short misscalls script

Originally Posted by electroaudio (Post 1341584)
that pyscript need some changes, a call is handled by dbus on the N900 and probably on the N9 too.
Check how the dbus call works and check how to make a delay and you will easily make a script like that.

i'm dont know how to build script on N9. Can you help me? The script i post in my topic run fine on Symbian python, but can not run in N9

dzano 2013-05-06 12:02

Re: loop of short misscalls script
You can use my script (look at signature) it's for N900. Hope it can help.

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