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specc 2013-05-09 13:31

The N9 resurrected from the Asha
The N9 is alive again. Coming to a store near You any time now :)

It's all there, Linux, swipe, multitasking and fast, no hanging or stuttering. Its the New Asha :)

ARJWright 2013-05-09 13:35

Re: The N9 resurrected from the Asha
Yea, the 501 sites have some interesting shades of the N9 in there. For to admit though, that Fast lane feature is pretty slick. That's a Activity Stream mod is want sooner rather than matter on my N9.

ripatti 2013-05-09 13:43

Re: The N9 resurrected from the Asha
The UI looks like the next gen n9
But what is under the hood?

Artyom 2013-05-09 13:48

With those specs, being linux or having the key features of harmattan has no meaning for me.

myname24 2013-05-09 14:25

Re: The N9 resurrected from the Asha
The good thing at the presentation they said it's inspired by the N9 wich is obvious ( but elop said inspired by lumia )

stickymick 2013-05-09 14:43

Re: The N9 resurrected from the Asha

Originally Posted by myname24 (Post 1342381)
( but elop said inspired by lumia )

Let's face it, that's the limit of his vocabulary and with the M$ gun held to his head, what else could he say?

But, the UI does look nice..... the phone itself, on the other hand, could do with a much larger screen. Maybe edge to edge would make it look a lot less like the Sony Ericsson W995 without it's keypad.

mikecomputing 2013-05-09 15:00

Re: The N9 resurrected from the Asha

Originally Posted by myname24 (Post 1342381)
The good thing at the presentation they said it's inspired by the N9 wich is obvious ( but elop said inspired by lumia )

What do you expect from that IDIOT!

People sould continue boycott this company for obvious reasons!


The new Asha is FAIL!

* No QT
* Nor Meego
* No full HTML5

just fake N9

myname24 2013-05-09 15:12

Re: The N9 resurrected from the Asha

Originally Posted by mikecomputing (Post 1342393)
What do you expect from that IDIOT!

People sould continue boycott this company for obvious reasons!


The new Asha is FAIL!

* No QT
* Nor Meego
* No full HTML5

just fake N9

ofcourse it's expected from elop , i never said it's not . And it's obvious no QT and no MeeGo because everyone left and meltemi was scrapped a little less than year ago . HTML5 should have been supported but remember the price point is 99$ . But i'd rather test the device personally and then rate it because what's on paper mean nothing .

ripatti 2013-05-09 15:16

Re: The N9 resurrected from the Asha
Allaboutsymbian writes that there is s40 under the hood - whatever it nowadays means.

myname24 2013-05-09 15:27

Re: The N9 resurrected from the Asha
it's s40 and smarterphone under the hood and the ui is harmattan-ish . Only java and web apps are supported .

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