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crail 2013-05-11 15:42

lower frequency stuck at 500mhz
im using kernel power51 cssu thumb. a while back i overclocked to 500 900 and now i want to go to 250 900, but folowing the wiki to go back to stock for instance using the command sudo kernel-config limits 250 600 my lower frequency is always stuck at 500? well thats what conky says. what have i done wrong?

pichlo 2013-05-11 16:32

Re: lower frequency stuck at 500mhz
Do you have kernel-power-settings installed?

crail 2013-05-11 16:43

Re: lower frequency stuck at 500mhz
yes. the highest frequency changes.

ive tried reinstalling kP and its the same.

even when i booted to android it was stuck. ive got rid of android now though.

handaxe 2013-05-11 16:46

Re: lower frequency stuck at 500mhz
Try in terminal

kernel-config load default
and then

kernel-config show
to check it takes. That should read as having you scaling 250 - 600 (as 125 is excluded).

Instead of conky, you can use from the CLI as root.


cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq
Used repeatedly, it will show the cpu frequency at that moment. I would try just after a reboot. If you don't "rest" at 250 then something is borked but widgets and the like do create load so keep an eye on processes...

crail 2013-05-11 16:56

Re: lower frequency stuck at 500mhz
it says kernel-config: not found

handaxe 2013-05-11 17:06

Re: lower frequency stuck at 500mhz
Not found as root?

If kernel-config is not found as root, then kernel-power-settings is not there or some such. Re-install.

crail 2013-05-11 17:11

Re: lower frequency stuck at 500mhz
ohhh as root. right youve sorted it. thankyou kind sir.

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