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zaidk9 2013-05-14 13:14

2 apps missing on N9
2 apps missing on N9 but on !!!!!


oxford dictionary

any way to get them
at least need the oxford dictionary

Artyom 2013-05-14 13:24

Re: 2 apps missing on N9
I don't know about the Oxford dictionary but that facebook app is the old version of the current facebook app in our devices.

herdem09 2013-05-14 13:52

Re: 2 apps missing on N9
We have a better app then Oxford dictionary. You can use DictionaryStar app with stardict dictionaries. Just make a search. That way you can have oxford, collins, britannica, longman at the same time.:cool:

youmeego 2013-05-14 14:31

Re: 2 apps missing on N9
if you have symbian belle phone, you can look for s3dict, great paid stardict app

the developer also upload the oxford dictionary data on his nokia webpage

zaidk9 2013-05-14 19:03

Ohhhhh coooooolll
But i thought that would have been the official Oxford dic!!!
Didnt knew about fb app
Edit : waiting for the pirated version of Merriam Webster's dictionaries :|
Too costly

zaidk9 2013-05-15 16:38

Hiii all
As recommended i bought qstardict from store
Can someone tell me from where to get more dictionaries???
More likely i m interested in pocket English, idioms, concise and medical
Please help :)

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