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StocChr 2013-05-14 14:30

[Sold] Nokia N900
hi guys,

i'm selling my two beloved nokia n900
both are in a good condition

fixed price: 100€ per each + shipment costs

i also have some spare parts for a small extra charge ( digitizer, lcd displays, keyboard, defect n900, etc. )

greetings from austria


suzughia 2013-05-14 21:56

Re: [Sale] Nokia N900
can you please post some pics of the phones? anyone suffered by usb port desoldering? other things?


StocChr 2013-05-18 17:55

Re: [Sale] Nokia N900
both n900 are in very good condition
no usb port problem, and no other known problems

n900 device 01

n900 device 02

n900 accessories


phap 2013-05-19 07:43

Re: [Sale] Nokia N900
How much would you ask for only the accessories? All of them?

zlatokosi 2013-05-19 07:58

Re: [Sale] Nokia N900
I'm very interested in the screen digitizer, as my screen is peeling off. How much with shipping to Slovenia?

StocChr 2013-05-21 09:23

Re: [Sale] Nokia N900
for all the accessories i would like to have 100€ + shipment costs

but be careful, as experience has shown that the oem digitizer greatly depends on the n900 whether or not they work

Tetsu 2013-05-25 23:06

Re: [Sale] Nokia N900
Hi, I would be really interested, could you give me your skype?

StocChr 2013-05-26 11:11

Re: [Sale] Nokia N900
hi, i dont have skype ! in what you are interessted? maybe you can send me a pm! cheers

Tetsu 2013-05-26 12:37

Re: [Sale] Nokia N900
Somehow I can't send pm's, I don't know, maybe you can send me, I would like more photos of the devices, and maybe gtalk/etc., maemo not that comfortable to use, especially when I can't send PM's (maybe because I'm new member, I don't know.).

StocChr 2013-05-26 13:40

Re: [Sale] Nokia N900
send me an email: in what you are interessted! maybe you would like the whole package

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