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Zeyeerboost 2013-05-15 20:10

I don't know am I posting in the right place, if not sorry :/

Anyway, I am interested in developing apps for my N9 (just got it) in QT and I'd like to know how does it all work and where can I find good tutorials? (I know C++)
Can I get the compiler on the device itself or I have to compile the code on my computer?

Thank you :)

Copernicus 2013-05-15 20:52

Re: Qt

Originally Posted by Zeyeerboost (Post 1343893)
I'd like to know how does it all work and where can I find good tutorials? (I know C++)

Well, I haven't been coding for the N9 (at least not yet), so I don't know which version of Qt is the best for it right now. But, the best way to learn Qt is to go to their website, There you can find guides to getting started, an array of tutorials and example projects, and download the Qt SDK for Windows, Mac, or Linux.


Can I get the compiler on the device itself or I have to compile the code on my computer?
It's generally a lot easier to edit and build projects on a full-size personal computer, and then test the result on your phone. :) That said, I've seen that at least a few people have gotten gcc running on their phones, if you'd like to try...

qwazix 2013-05-15 21:42

Re: Qt
Go here and download the qtsdk and install it on your pc. Afterwards you can find documentation at

You can also compile on device, see here ( for a portable chroot sdk right on your N9.

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