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crail 2013-05-19 18:52

nitdroid multiboot to uboot
i have nitdroid installed on n900 (auto installer on emmc) and multiboot.
i want to uninstall multiboot and swap it for uboot but i havent got a clue how to do it. i really do need step by step instructions here as there is nothing in the wiki and from searching the forum it just confused me.

greatful for a numpty guide :)

dzano 2013-05-20 07:40

Re: nitdroid multiboot to uboot
First you need to:
- uninstall Multiboot
- install U-Boot with kernel 2.6.28-omap1
- install kernel-power-bootimg (if asked, don't flash it)

- restart (not reboot)

cd /home
tar xvf /home/user/MyDocs/N12_UMay.tar

cd /
mkdir and
mount /home /and

install nitdroid-kernel-2.6.28-07_7-rc7_armel.deb

copy THIS to /home/system/maemo/bin/

and THIS to /home/

and extract THIS to MyDocs

and copy THIS to /etc/bootmenu.d/


It's totaly useless when booted from u-boot (no wifi, battery meter, charging...). If you want to use it, I'd sugest you to install it with multiboot kernel.

Good luck

crail 2013-05-20 08:15

Re: nitdroid multiboot to uboot
thanks a lot.

xvan 2013-05-20 09:55

Re: nitdroid multiboot to uboot
I installed following uboot on SD guide on nitdroid forum...
Everything worked except booting from SD.
That can be solved by moving the kernel image to the internal memory.

ryu1 2013-05-22 12:01

Re: nitdroid multiboot to uboot
It is working with wifi, bt, battery meter. Just follow my guide:

crail 2013-05-22 17:33

Re: nitdroid multiboot to uboot
oh dear, ive followed ryu's guide at the bottom where it says *note2, but i cant install nitdroid kernel 7 rc7.
it says unable to install. i dont have anything in /and i have nitdroid installed using the auto-installer.

what can i do? i darent roeboot.

edit: android boots fine without that version kernel.

dzano 2013-05-22 18:47

Re: nitdroid multiboot to uboot
To instal kernel you have to:

mount /home /and

first :)

ryu1 2013-05-22 19:30

Re: nitdroid multiboot to uboot

Originally Posted by crail (Post 1345996)
oh dear, ive followed ryu's guide at the bottom where it says *note2, but i cant install nitdroid kernel 7 rc7.
it says unable to install. i dont have anything in /and i have nitdroid installed using the auto-installer.

what can i do? i darent roeboot.

edit: android boots fine without that version kernel.

Ok, it seems you have deleted android files from /home. First make sure you have cssu installed. Download N12_UMay archive and put it in MyDocs. Run this commands as root:
PHP Code:

cd /home/user/MyDocs 
-d N12_UMay.tar.bz2 cd 
mount /home /and 
cd /and 
tar xvf /home/user/MyDocs/N12_UMay.tar 

Copy the files specified in my guide to the specified folders, then update uboot's bootmenu. That's it!

Henrq 2013-08-23 14:14

Re: nitdroid multiboot to uboot
it doesnt wok for me,uboot refuse create entries in boot menu.
it says that it is creating more entries but when i boot the phone it force me to boot the stock kernel(the other entries have errors.)
i dont know what to do....

boidoo 2013-10-08 16:03

Re: nitdroid multiboot to uboot
hi all. mine prob is i followed all steps. but u-boot can.t show nitdroid only emmc boot selected it shows nit 07 etc shows then watchdog gets error. please guide me i formatted phone recently and install kernel power 52 and u-boot and mounted and directory rootfs has only 8mb free space after untar nitdroid

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