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nokiabot 2013-05-31 19:33

petition to add infrared port in jolla device.
Infrared is everywhere around us just have a look around the plethora of cir devices around our room
think about the immense use cases it has:)

furthermore it will add more value to the device for many who envey such functionability :)

post everywhere i.e the social medias you use to attract more.
its within reach its high time we get on it..

panjgoori 2013-05-31 19:47

Re: petition to add infrared port in jolla device.
plzzz. thread on thread about Jolla. seems like this is now a Jolla forum not maemo.

AMD 2013-05-31 19:48

Re: petition to add infrared port in jolla device.

Originally Posted by panjgoori (Post 1348445)
plzzz. thread on thread about Jolla. seems like this is now a Jolla forum not maemo.

I was just going to comment about that, we need a forum on its own for Jolla..

shmerl 2013-05-31 20:08

Re: petition to add infrared port in jolla device.
I'm not surprised, since Jola develops Sailfish, and Sailfish is built on Mer, and Mer is continuation of Meego, and Meego was continuation of Maemo and etc. Get the connection?-)

But honestly, I wouldn't mind if Jolla could open some, but alas, they aren't interested. So expect even more and more interest here on TMO in Jolla and Sailfish.

In the context of TMO - Sailfish has its own subforum, so I'm not exactly sure what bothers you.

This thread though doesn't belong here. It should go into the devices section.

mikecomputing 2013-05-31 20:31

Re: petition to add infrared port in jolla device.
Other half

szopin 2013-05-31 20:45

Re: petition to add infrared port in jolla device.
GUYS! This is, stop posting your stupid **** about meego, go find your own forum pls... But yeah, option for people who don't find Sailfish/Jolla the continuation to not have to see posts from Sailfish/Other half etc subforums in the newposts page would be nice, less complainers at least

bandora 2013-05-31 21:10

Re: petition to add infrared port in jolla device.

Originally Posted by szopin (Post 1348461)
GUYS! This is, stop posting your stupid **** about meego, go find your own forum pls... But yeah, option for people who don't find Sailfish/Jolla the continuation to not have to see posts from Sailfish/Other half etc subforums in the newposts page would be nice, less complainers at least

It's in the correct sub forum so why are you complaining, you can always ignore sailfish/jolla topics..

And yes this can be done as the other half! I would love to see a powerful IR transmitter and a small reciever to "read" new remote controls..

szopin 2013-05-31 21:14

Re: petition to add infrared port in jolla device.

Originally Posted by bandora (Post 1348466)
It's in the correct sub forum so why are you complaining, you can always ignore sailfish/jolla topics..

And yes this can be done as the other half! I would love to see a powerful IR transmitter and a small reciever to "read" new remote controls..

Check again, this quote:

This thread though doesn't belong here. It should go into the devices section.
was not mine, I was just making fun of guys who diss anything from Jolla because Harmattan is the real

pichlo 2013-05-31 21:53

Re: petition to add infrared port in jolla device.

Originally Posted by bandora (Post 1348466)
It's in the correct sub forum so why are you complaining, you can always ignore sailfish/jolla topics..

Oh how I wish I could! By that I mean I wish I could specify which subforums I want to see in every aspect, including in Active Topics on the right.

shmerl 2013-05-31 22:31

Re: petition to add infrared port in jolla device.

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1348482)
Oh how I wish I could! By that I mean I wish I could specify which subforums I want to see in every aspect, including in Active Topics on the right.

Same goes for others :) For example I'm not so interested in Harmattan topics and prefer the Jolla/Sailfish ones, but there in no way to filter that on the right. Because of that I rarely use the right row at all, I just open the section which interests me and check if any topics were updated.

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