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GizmoSmith 2013-06-03 07:05

Need Picture & Specification/Pin-out of the Other-Half Comm. Bus/Port
What does the "Other-half" Communication Bus look like ??
Is there any pic of it on the Interwebs ?

If it has to satisfactorily quench the dreams of Jolla fans, I suppose it has to be one hell of a communication bus, with sufficient bandwidth!
What comes to my mind is some type of USB 3.0???!!

If it is some proprietary bus, I think there would be a learning & adaptation curve!
Does the Sailfish OS documentation, talk anything about the bus ??

nokiabot 2013-06-03 07:44

Re: Need Picture & Specification/Pin-out of the Other-Half Comm. Bus/Port
Aah its one of the universal 3 pins and 2 pins sockets (the ones in swich boards) :)
and a hawells mainswitch for the power button purpose:)

extra info for the power butt given so you dont make another post:D

juiceme 2013-06-03 08:14

Re: Need Picture & Specification/Pin-out of the Other-Half Comm. Bus/Port
My bet for bus specification is Utopia-2:


danested 2013-06-03 08:54

Re: Need Picture & Specification/Pin-out of the Other-Half Comm. Bus/Port
I thought it was NFC driven, isnt it?

HtheB 2013-06-03 09:36

Re: Need Picture & Specification/Pin-out of the Other-Half Comm. Bus/Port
nothing is confirmed yet!

We have to wait untill we will get more info from Jolla

GizmoSmith 2013-06-03 12:14

Re: Need Picture & Specification/Pin-out of the Other-Half Comm. Bus/Port

Originally Posted by danested (Post 1349154)
I thought it was NFC driven, isnt it?

If the other-half can support a camera/CCD chip, then should it not have enough bandwidth to transfer the umpteen RAW megapixels to the host, in under a second ?
At 424 kbit/s NFC, a 8 megapixel CCD's 24-bit RAW image (~23MB) would take a little over 7 minutes !! to reach the host, unless the image compression electronics are already there in the other-half itself!!

kingstu 2013-07-19 14:13

Re: Need Picture & Specification/Pin-out of the Other-Half Comm. Bus/Port
It was revealed at the Akademy that the other half on the newer prototypes has power in/out and data in/put. They didn't indicate the type of connectivity but it appears to be much more than just NFC that was shown on Jolla Love Day.

mikecomputing 2013-07-20 22:23

Re: Need Picture & Specification/Pin-out of the Other-Half Comm. Bus/Port

Originally Posted by GizmoSmith (Post 1349129)
What does the "Other-half" Communication Bus look like ??
Is there any pic of it on the Interwebs ?

If it has to satisfactorily quench the dreams of Jolla fans, I suppose it has to be one hell of a communication bus, with sufficient bandwidth!
What comes to my mind is some type of USB 3.0???!!

If it is some proprietary bus, I think there would be a learning & adaptation curve!
Does the Sailfish OS documentation, talk anything about the bus ??

Who says there is a physical connector? I doubt it has. Its overhyped. My guess is that it only is NFC enabled backcover chaning color of backcover etc.

I take everything else as a bonus...


Originally Posted by GizmoSmith (Post 1349194)
If the other-half can support a camera/CCD chip, then should it not have enough bandwidth to transfer the umpteen RAW megapixels to the host, in under a second ?
At 424 kbit/s NFC, a 8 megapixel CCD's 24-bit RAW image (~23MB) would take a little over 7 minutes !! to reach the host, unless the image compression electronics are already there in the other-half itself!!

LOL! first of if they ever release a camera backcover, wish I doubt, they could use BT.


Originally Posted by kingstu (Post 1360126)
It was revealed at the Akademy that the other half on the newer prototypes has power in/out and data in/put. They didn't indicate the type of connectivity but it appears to be much more than just NFC that was shown on Jolla Love Day.

prototype it does not mean it actually will be the final one. So don't give hopes on something that may not happen... You know this is TMO saying anything here and people take it for granted its final.

GizmoSmith 2013-10-01 18:49

Re: Need Picture & Specification/Pin-out of the Other-Half Comm. Bus/Port
Looks like it might be I²C as quoted on

Originally Posted by Jolla at
Extension interfaces for wireless NFC, power in/out and I2C data connectivity.

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