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eyjoel 2013-06-08 15:29

n900 / communication error
hi community,

i am using a n900 and i am very happy and satisfied to work with this device. i am a normal user with some linux skills.

since a few days i have the following error message on the screen:
"All telephony functions, including emergency calls, are disabled due to a communication error. To recover, you might have to reboot the device."

i am switching off and on the device. it is working for a few hours and then the error comes again. i am not sure if it is the sim card or the device itself.

are there logs or tools on the n900 to check what is going on?
if there are already threads for analysing such a problem i say sorry for the double post. i would be happy for a link.

best regards


saponga 2013-06-08 15:43

Re: n900 / communication error

Originally Posted by eyjoel (Post 1350548)
if there are already threads for analysing such a problem i say sorry for the double post. i would be happy for a link.

best regards


there are a few threads on it. try the power search... AFAIK the best solution still the springs glued on gsm module.
good luck!


nman 2013-06-10 01:03

Re: n900 / communication error
My condolances. I've just had my THIRD n900 succumb to this problem. They last about a year, cheapass nokia junk. Sad thing is there are no alternatives. so I'm now looking for a fourth :/

TheoX 2013-06-10 08:48

Re: n900 / communication error
This is the exact way I screwd up my N900. My first N900 died because the USB port broke, the second because the GSM chip died. I tryed heating up the chip, using a soldering iron, and I probably f**ked it up more, or I burned out the chip.

Try the spring method (but be careful while removing the metal shield. You will have to put it back in one place and keep it tight). Before this try paper over the sim, to keep it in place. Then the glue method.

This will prolong the life of your N900 but not for long. I am sorry. I am now searching for a local service that can do fine soldering. I have a motherboard with good GSM chip, so I think I can try to replace the chips, but for now. My N900 is just a tablet pc, so useless for me.

nman 2013-06-11 19:17

Re: n900 / communication error
On a practical note, the solution with springs on gsm chips worked on my previous device for about 6 months, and working for two days so far on this one. Well I used sticky padding instead of springs, but same idea.

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