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djiembob 2013-06-11 14:31

N9: No contacts, No messages
Hi folks,

It seems I've shot myself in the foot :(

My N9 was acting up with "no space on device" and the mail app being utterly useless.

I read that the solution would be to delete /home/user/.qmf - [which was indeed at a ridiculous 1GB].

Thinking that that was only the mail db, I deleted it.

Now I have lost all my contacts and sms/messages.

Is there any way to recover them or have I totally screwed myself? :mad:


Edit: Can someone confirm that .qmf contains the contacts/sms dbs? I'm still under the impression that it's just the mail backend which means it shouldn't have affected my contacts??

willi6868 2013-06-11 22:27

Re: N9: No contacts, No messages

Originally Posted by djiembob (Post 1351160)
Is there any way to recover them or have I totally screwed myself? :mad:

Just restore a backup if you have one :)

I don't know about qmf file but '/home/user/.cache/tracker/meta.db' also containing messages, contacts etc. :)

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