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fstern 2013-06-21 07:09

[Infrastructure] Maintenance on 25.6.13 from 0900 to 1100 CEST
Hi all,

We got a new switch for our infrastructure which needs to be installed.

I've planned that for the 25.6. (next Tuesday) starting at around 0900 CEST. There will be short service interruptions when I start recabeling the new switch. Everything should be back up at 1100 CEST.

Thanks for your attention.

-- Falk

panjgoori 2013-06-21 07:44

Re: [Infrastructure] Maintenance on 25.6.13 from 0900 to 1100 CEST
thanks for all the hardwork

joerg_rw 2013-06-21 08:25

Re: [Infrastructure] Maintenance on 25.6.13 from 0900 to 1100 CEST

Originally Posted by fstern (Post 1353614)
Hi all,

We got a new switch for our infrastructure which needs to be installed.

I've planned that for the 25.6. (next Tuesday) starting at around 0900 CEST. There will be short service interruptions when I start recabeling the new switch. Everything should be back up at 1100 CEST.

Thanks for your attention.

-- Falk

This will be 0700 to 0900 UTC
Regarding HiFo elections please try later again if you have any difficulties voting during that period. There's no chance your vote gets lost. If you don't receive the final verification token in your browser, PLEASE RESTART from beginning, since your vote gets casted in a single moment at verifcation of the summary screen and that instantly counts your vote, discards your authentication token, and sends the verification token to your browser, all in one single atomic transaction.

tl;dr-version: if at end of your vote for HiFo (opening tonight) you don't receive a verification token, then please redo the whole voting process.


nokiabot 2013-06-21 12:09

Re: [Infrastructure] Maintenance on 25.6.13 from 0900 to 1100 CEST
Go on honurable techstaffs ! :)

fstern 2013-06-25 08:48

Re: [Infrastructure] Maintenance on 25.6.13 from 0900 to 1100 CEST
... and done. Switch is working as expected.

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