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useretail 2013-06-26 04:29

CSSU installation problem
First of all I would like to mention that I installed CSSU Features, CSSU enabler and Auto-Orientation applet using apt-get (for some reasons I don't use App Manager). I wanted to try portrait mode, I launched CSSU features it created it's config and everything worked fine. Then I clicked on Community SSU icon in the apps menu while being offline. Script ran but from what I saw it wanted to get some mp-fremantle-* packages.

I tried to reinstall community-ssu-enabler but looks like it's already configured because I couldn't see icon anymore. Then I tried to run community-ssu-enabler manually but no luck. Then I tried to install those mp-fremantle-* packages manually but looks like I have them insalled already.

Question: How to re-install Community SSU properly?

anthonie 2013-06-26 09:13

Re: CSSU installation problem
I would try


sudo apt-get install --reinstall community-ssu-enabler

pichlo 2013-06-26 12:33

Re: CSSU installation problem
Slightly OT, but do you need the enabler anyway? As far as I can tell, all it does is set up the CSSU repositories and trigger an update. If you've run it once, the repos are presumably set up (please check) and all you should need to do is run apt-get update, apt-get upgrade.

Someone please correct me if I'm wrong as I do not want to feed BS but this is essentially what I plan to do on my second device.

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