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aliasbody 2013-07-10 21:35

Nokia N9 - Meego Harmathan PR1.3 Source Code
Hello everyone,

I have already tried to contact nokia but no one can answer me correctly so I am turning myself to this wonderful forum before starting contacting directly Nokia in Finland.

So my question is : Where can I found the source code of the Meego 1.2 Harmathan PR1.3 ?

Best Regards,
Luis Da Costa

myname24 2013-07-10 22:12

Re: Nokia N9 - Meego Harmathan PR1.3 Source Code

Originally Posted by aliasbody (Post 1358170)
Hello everyone,

I have already tried to contact nokia but no one can answer me correctly so I am turning myself to this wonderful forum before starting contacting directly Nokia in Finland.

So my question is : Where can I found the source code of the Meego 1.2 Harmathan PR1.3 ?

Best Regards,
Luis Da Costa

pycage 2013-07-11 17:08

Re: Nokia N9 - Meego Harmathan PR1.3 Source Code

Originally Posted by aliasbody (Post 1358170)
Hello everyone,

I have already tried to contact nokia but no one can answer me correctly so I am turning myself to this wonderful forum before starting contacting directly Nokia in Finland.

So my question is : Where can I found the source code of the Meego 1.2 Harmathan PR1.3 ?

Best Regards,
Luis Da Costa

Write to:

Source Code Requests
Nokia Corporation
P.O. Box 226
FI-00045 Nokia Group

This offer is valid for three years from the day of purchase of the N9.
(See About in the N9 Control Panel)

If you already tried and they refused to give you the code, you should report Nokia to the FSF for GPL violation.

aliasbody 2013-08-05 22:30

Re: Nokia N9 - Meego Harmathan PR1.3 Source Code

Originally Posted by pycage (Post 1358328)
Write to:

Source Code Requests
Nokia Corporation
P.O. Box 226
FI-00045 Nokia Group

This offer is valid for three years from the day of purchase of the N9.
(See About in the N9 Control Panel)

If you already tried and they refused to give you the code, you should report Nokia to the FSF for GPL violation.

Thank you for your help. I am just asking myself if the code given in the first answer (thank you myname24) is as updated as the one that nokia would provide :S

Other than that Nokia can't just say that we only have 3 years since the release of the phone to ask the original code. The GPLv2 license used by it makes them in the obligation of releasing the source code at any time if asked, at least physically (CDROM etc..).

I was just disappointed with one thing. I bought the N9 a few weeks ago because I really wanted to continue this awesome OS, but never understood why no one started the job (before me...), but after looking at the source code I finally understood why : - The only free and open source code available in the Nokia N9 is the one provided by the Gnu/Linux developers, any byte of code developed by Nokia is under a proprietary license.

But that's another question.

I will probably send them a letter and see what happens and then compare the two.

Thanks for the two of you once again, and sorry for my horrible english :S

Udemzy 2013-08-06 01:09

Re: Nokia N9 - Meego Harmathan PR1.3 Source Code

Originally Posted by aliasbody (Post 1365136)
Thank you for your help. I am just asking myself if the code given in the first answer (thank you myname24) is as updated as the one that nokia would provide :S

Other than that Nokia can't just say that we only have 3 years since the release of the phone to ask the original code. The GPLv2 license used by it makes them in the obligation of releasing the source code at any time if asked, at least physically (CDROM etc..).

I was just disappointed with one thing. I bought the N9 a few weeks ago because I really wanted to continue this awesome OS, but never understood why no one started the job (before me...), but after looking at the source code I finally understood why : - The only free and open source code available in the Nokia N9 is the one provided by the Gnu/Linux developers, any byte of code developed by Nokia is under a proprietary license.

But that's another question.

I will probably send them a letter and see what happens and then compare the two.

Thanks for the two of you once again, and sorry for my horrible english :S

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