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AJoudh 2013-07-15 18:03

Problem with my n9
yesterday I've flashed my n9 using the tutorial in the forum.
and when it was became incapable of reading
my Sim or any other Sim.
and a new sign popup next to the battery, look at the following photo...

so I'm now not able to use my phone to make calls.
what should i do?

I'll appreciate any help

Mikkosssss 2013-07-15 19:05

Re: Problem with my n9
Are you sure about right version that you flashed.

I dont know about flashing. :p

qwazix 2013-07-15 19:19

Re: Problem with my n9
I never experienced such problem on the N9. On the N900 this could happen if you flashed an old version but this is impossible on the N9. The country variant shouldn't matter AFAIK as all the N9's are the same.

I would try flashing once more, root and emmc.

danested 2013-07-15 21:43

Re: Problem with my n9
I know I'm stating the obvious, and maybe you've already thought about it... and tried it, but is the sim tray fine? Try removing and inserting it. I had one one occasion had something similar and this had helped. But that was without flashing... :D

b3ar6 2013-07-16 03:06

Re: Problem with my n9
there may be something wrong with sim,you can try a new sim card


Originally Posted by AJoudh (Post 1359166)
yesterday I've flashed my n9 using the tutorial in the forum.
and when it was became incapable of reading
my Sim or any other Sim.
and a new sign popup next to the battery, look at the following photo...

so I'm now not able to use my phone to make calls.
what should i do?

I'll appreciate any help

mcbook 2013-07-19 07:26

Also try cleaning the sim card, tray and slot...

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