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RichardN900 2013-07-17 19:15

ERROR: e-mail app closed and other several issues since last update. (CSSU-Thumb2)
EDIT: I also tried a couple other posted solutions but i still have the same problem with email closed even when i dont open it.

Hello, sorry to bother, but my phone is giving me the creeps and i'm about to need a new one. The only reason still didn't buy another is because there's nothing compared in size, keyboard and freedom. At least here in my country.

Since i made the last update (21.2011.38-1Tmaemo7.2+thumb0) my phone is behaving badly. Some times i find several lost calls because it does not ring, there's nothing i could do to work it out, only reboot it several times until it starts to ring again. I'm currently using only default ringtones and tried changing them, enabling and disabling profiles, etc... Only one or several reboots gives it back.

Also, sometimes when opening camera lens cover, it just goes off.
When I restart it some times random error messages appear, ussually that certain application has been closed due to an error and not too often something about not loading OC profiles.
I have it OC 500/850 to be able to record 720p videos wich is the only way i record.

Now, today started to give e-mail application has suddenly closed error. I do not use email on the phone, even as i have a couple accounts configured, i let it no check.
Due this issue i cant open modest to kill those accounts because it "sudden closes".

I love my cellphone and i'm convinced that everything that has been made for it here is amazing and more than needed because i would not been able to correctly use it if were'nt for maemo community and the great development that has been made.
So i don't want to change it, i want to keep it at least until i find some 3.5" phone with slide keyboard and the ammount of freedom this one gives me.
This is more a computer and personal assistent than a simple cellphone, i can't replace it at least by now.

Is there anything i can do or someone who has had the same issue/s that can help me work it out?

Now i'm making the latest available update just to see if may be something related to CSSU or CSSU-Thumb because i have read some msgs. (here) about problems starting with CSSU.
Since i started this msg. it has updated and there is an update successful banner on the screen.

Now i confirm, this starts to happen as soon as i connect the power charger. !!! :mad:

EDIT: Nope, it starts after some minutes of turning on.

RichardN900 2013-07-17 22:46

Re: ERROR: e-mail app closed and other several issues since last update. (CSSU-Thumb2)
55 views, no answers.

I have found a couple of threads with the same issue but no solution from any place.
One of the supposed solutions is not a solution at all.

I had to delete modest executable and now the cell is not eating my battery nor killing the CPU with heat.

I tried to uninstall modest, but the dam. process kept going and going.

The process number was contianually changing so even if i kill it once, started with a new number, some times up to three times in parallell.

So sad that there's no one who can tell what is going on, even that there has been a lot of similar (or the same) issues.

spaak74 2013-07-17 23:26

Re: ERROR: e-mail app closed and other several issues since last update. (CSSU-Thumb2)
Too much of an end user to notice the changes, let alone to give solutions but happy that this open source device is still being tuned and tweaked. Phone manufacturers, are you watching?? A few issues i did run into:

- Upgrading to cssu thumb2 testing sent the n900 into a reboot loop. Removing the battery for > 10 minutes didn't help, connecting the wall charger solved the problem. No more loops so far.
- Opening the camera cover made the n900 reboot or switch off altogether. Now seems to happen less. Also, the camera app will sometimes crash the first time upon starting. After the first crash the app works normally.
- I don't use the e-mail app, didn't get interferences either.
- CSSU Features will not open anymore. No more arranging the desktop :/

Russe89 2013-07-18 04:41

Re: ERROR: e-mail app closed and other several issues since last update. (CSSU-Thumb2)
Did you for sure install the thumb-compiled modest? There is an newer one in cssu-devel, maybe this is the failure?
Actually it should be 3.90.7-12.1+thumb0

hope it helps in anyway


RichardN900 2013-07-22 23:52

Re: ERROR: e-mail app closed and other several issues since last update. (CSSU-Thumb2)
I have -devel disabled so it should not have been installed.

I have uninstalled modest and deleted the executable because it was still there and kept opening and closing.

A couple days ago i took a picture, then closed the camera slide but the cammera didn't close. It was open for hours unitil found out.

I hope there be a new update with fixes for anything that could be happening, i dont want to change my phone, i have not found anything comparable. I hate screen keyboard on my phone!.

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