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shawnjefferson 2013-07-19 07:02

[Announce] atari800 v3.0.0 for n900
1 Attachment(s)
Atari800 v3.0.0 for Fremantle/n900

I ported atari800 v3.0.0 to the n900. Based on the v2.2.1 porting work done by tromkins. This is the emulator of Atari 8-bit computer systems and the 5200 console


I've compiled with R: device support, so you can call telnet BBSes with telecommunications software (see the documentation on how to do that.) Excerpt from the documentation rdevice_faq.txt:


Also included with the Network Sockets version of the R: Device emulation is a somewhat handicapped Modem emulation.  There are only two commands that are implemented:

ATDL - Translates carrage returns into line feeds. This may not be needed if the "add line feeds" in XIO 38 is used.  But I found that it is not always used by terminal programs, and thus some telnet and ftp servers expect a line feed, causing you to not be able to do anything once connected.

Typing 'ATDL' in a terminal program such as Bobterm or Ice-T will toggle CR translation on/off.
ATDI <address name|ip address> <port #>

This command allows you to "dial" out to an external host. For example you can connect to my BBS by typing the following:
    'ATDI 800'
This connects Atari800 to the external host '' at port 800.
These commands were chosen to somewhat look like modem 'AT' commands.  The R: device emulation will take care of adding Line Feeds and Light ASCII translation, same as in the Serial Port Version.

I've also mapped additional Atari keys to the n900 keyboard, so it should be possible to type pretty much every Atari key on the n900 keyboard.

n900 keys in v3.0.0:

GUI Keys
CTRL+FN+Q                Built in user interface
CTRL+FN+W                Option key
CTRL+FN+E                Select key
CTRL+FN+R                Start key
CTRL+FN+T                Reset key ("warm reset")
CTRL+FN+SHIFT+T        Reboot ("cold reset")
CTRL+FN+Y                Help key (XL/XE only)
CTRL+FN+U                Break key
CTRL+FN+I                Enter monitor
CTRL+FN+O                Exit emulator
CTRL+FN+P                Save screenshot
CTRL+FN+SHIFT+P        Save interlaced screenshot
CTRL+FN+,                Turbo mode
FN+SHIFT+R                Run Atari program
FN+SHIFT+D                Disk management
FN+SHIFT+C                Cartridge management
FN+SHIFT+V                Tape management
FN+SHIFT+Y                Select system
FN+SHIFT+O                Sound settings
FN+SHIFT+W                Sound recording start/stop
FN+SHIFT+S                Save state file
FN+SHIFT+L                Load state file
FN+SHIFT+A                About the emulator

Atari 8-bit keys
FN+SHIFT+SPACE          %
FN+SHIFT+,              [
FN+SHIFT+.              ]
FN+RETURN                  Ctrl-Semicolon (spade graphics character)

FN+Z                    Tab
FN+C                    Caps
FN+Up                  Clear
FN+Right                Insert
FN+Left                Delete
FN+CTRL+N              Inverse

Also note, that it's possible to press ctrl and shift with some keys to get the intended Atari key behaviour (Ctrl+Insert for instance).

  • uploaded v3.0.0maemo1 to extras-devel (also tried to promote to testing but there may still be issues with package system)
  • fixed ownership of configuration file
  • included v3.0.0 configuration file
  • removed deb attachment from first message

Uploaded version 3.0.0-maemo2 to extras and promoted to extras-testing. Give it a thumbs-up in the package interface if it's working for you (

Atari 800xl ROM (bios) files:

You'll need these to boot the emulated Atari (other ROM files are widely available on-line if you search). Put the ROM files in /opt/atari800/rom and set their location in the Emulator Configuration (CTRL+FN+Q).

Thumb compiled version
If you want to try it is attached. Install the regular version from repositories, and then extract to /opt/atari800/ and chmod +x it. It's hard to tell if it's faster... maybe a very small bit. It is slightly smaller.

bingomion 2013-07-19 08:28

Re: [Announce] atari800 v3.0.0 for n900
Retro Awesomeness!

HtheB 2013-07-19 08:36

Re: [Announce] atari800 v3.0.0 for n900
can you also port this to harmattan (would be great for n950/n955 users )

shawnjefferson 2013-07-21 18:22

Re: [Announce] atari800 v3.0.0 for n900

Originally Posted by HtheB (Post 1360057)
can you also port this to harmattan (would be great for n950/n955 users )

No device, or development environment for harmattan at the moment, so that would be difficult. Is there already an atari800 port for harmattan that someone is maintaining? Maybe they will port it (I imagine the keyboard is different on the n950, and the n9 has no physical keyboard at all.)

HtheB 2013-07-22 09:11

Re: [Announce] atari800 v3.0.0 for n900

Originally Posted by shawnjefferson (Post 1360754)
No device, or development environment for harmattan at the moment, so that would be difficult. Is there already an atari800 port for harmattan that someone is maintaining? Maybe they will port it (I imagine the keyboard is different on the n950, and the n9 has no physical keyboard at all.)

There is only Amiga, no Atari at all :(
Here is the keyboard layout of the N950.

Yes, N9 doesn't have a hardware keyboard, but it can use bluetooth keyboards, so it should atleast work without changing the code.

Hope someone consider this at least. (it's open source, so people can contribute)

shawnjefferson 2013-07-22 22:30

Re: [Announce] atari800 v3.0.0 for n900
Can you install the deb from the first post (or download from extras-devel) and try it out on the n950? Maybe most of it works as is?

HtheB 2013-07-22 23:35

Re: [Announce] atari800 v3.0.0 for n900
it asks for libreadline4 but couldn't be installed by apt-get


shawnjefferson 2014-04-06 08:31

Re: [Announce] atari800 v3.0.0 for n900
Promoted to extras-testing and added a thumb compiled version to first post for testing.

Added link to the package in testing for voting to get it added to the Extras repository.

elcaito 2015-09-04 04:10

Re: [Announce] atari800 v3.0.0 for n900
Downloaded it off repo and it won't run at all in N900. Crashes and goes back to Hildon desktop.
I am running it under Kernel Power 53.

shawnjefferson 2015-09-09 05:29

Re: [Announce] atari800 v3.0.0 for n900
Can you try running it from the terminal?

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