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TheoX 2013-08-11 14:50

[Announce]N900 New transition pack.
3 Attachment(s)
More fluid transitions with better design, only for N900 Devices.

  • More fluid mentru entrance end exit
  • Faster application switch
  • Faster application launch
  • Faster application close
  • Better animations
  • Quality image blurring
  • Faster and better screen rotation
  • Faster screen rotation animation (ICS Like)
  • CPU and RAM improvement

  • V1.0 Stable - Final version

Installation method:
  1. Get WinSCP ( and documentation (
  2. A home network with Wi-Fi module
  3. Go to /usr/share/hildon-desktop/
  4. Backup original transitions.ini file
  5. Replace original transitions file
  6. Go to X-Terminal and type killall hildon-desktop or just reboot

Nexus Shadow Technologies Inc. 2011-2013, Compatible only with N900 Devices. Not responsable for any system damage!


Attachment 32999

Attachment 33000

Attachment 33001


crail 2013-08-11 14:57

Re: N900 New transition pack.
does this work with cssu? also can you upload a video of the transitions please?

TheoX 2013-08-11 15:01

Re: N900 New transition pack.

Originally Posted by crail (Post 1366409)
does this work with cssu? also can you upload a video of the transitions please?

Unfortunately I didn't test the transitions with the CSSU but it should work fine. I can't post a video right now.

You can test it without any possible danger of damage, just back-up the original file before overwrite. If something goes wrong just revert to the original file and there should be no problems.

elros34 2013-08-11 16:13

Re: N900 New transition pack.

Originally Posted by crail (Post 1366409)
does this work with cssu?

It works after copy it to /etc/hildon/theme.
PurpleXS8, nice work. I remember that zoom on press caused unexpected reboots on my n900 long time ago but time will tell. Where did you get this icons?

crail 2013-08-11 16:15

Re: N900 New transition pack.
i did it with filebox and now its messed everything up. i knew i shouldnt of tested this.

cant get access to root in filebox anymore, its even messed that up.

can anyone give me commands to fix this with terminal?

i renamed my original transitions.ini to transitions.ini(original) and its in the hildon-desktop folder.

please help :(

elros34 2013-08-11 16:44

Re: N900 New transition pack.
sudo gainroot
cd /usr/share/hildon-desktop
cp transitions.ini\(original\) transitions.ini

TheoX 2013-08-11 16:50

Re: N900 New transition pack.

Originally Posted by crail (Post 1366425)
i did it with filebox and now its messed everything up. i knew i shouldnt of tested this.

cant get access to root in filebox anymore, its even messed that up.

can anyone give me commands to fix this with terminal?

i renamed my original transitions.ini to transitions.ini(original) and its in the hildon-desktop folder.

please help :(

Please calm down. How is the device acting right now?

You shouldn't have renamed the file this way, that folder, you should've saved that file locally on the device in MyDocs or on your computer.

Using terminal you should now delete that file using the command:


sudo gainroot
rm /usr/share/hildon-desktop/transitions.ini(original)
killall hildon-desktop

Now reboot your device.

crail 2013-08-11 16:52

Re: N900 New transition pack.
are you sure thats not a typo? the transitions.ini\(original\) bit? and what exactly will this do, i need to delete transitions.ini and rename my oringinal back.

just making sure.

TheoX 2013-08-11 16:54

Re: N900 New transition pack.

Originally Posted by elros34 (Post 1366423)
It works after copy it to /etc/hildon/theme.
PurpleXS8, nice work. I remember that zoom on press caused unexpected reboots on my n900 long time ago but time will tell. Where did you get this icons?

Thank you. I extensively tested this initialization file before posting it. I was using it without any problems.

The icons were from an theme downloaded over the repo. I don't remember what theme was that and I can't find out because the device used to test is now in a very bad shape (ony the screen and the motherboard is left out of it).

TheoX 2013-08-11 16:55

Re: N900 New transition pack.

Originally Posted by crail (Post 1366433)
are you sure thats not a typo? the transitions.ini\(original\) bit? and what exactly will this do, i need to delete transitions.ini and rename my oringinal back.

just making sure.

This part of code is going to work as well. It will simply overwrite the original file via renaming. Only one file will be left, and that's how it should work. If you get errors, please try my recommended command list.

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