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sureshkj 2013-10-09 08:39

Cannot edit N9 contacts
Need your help!

I cannot modify my N9 contacts. After editing the contact, If I try to save, the screen stays there with no response. But it is not happening for all the contacts, for few contacts I can edit and save. Please help to resolve this. Thanks in advance.

titilambert 2013-11-05 05:39

Hello !

I have the same probleme here ...
I don't know where begin to looking for ...
Do you use syncevolution ???
Maybe there is something wrong with ?

snooky 2014-02-06 19:42

Re: Cannot edit N9 contacts
facing same problem... even when i mark a contact as favorite it's only fav until next reboot...
i never used syncevolution so this can't be the problem

ViBE 2016-02-14 16:25

Re: Cannot edit N9 contacts
after full flash i restored my contact from backup and now i have the same issue. still no one knows how to fix it?

anthonie 2016-02-15 11:10

Re: Cannot edit N9 contacts
I would check the permissions on the database and the folder that contains it. Probably have a look with as well to see if there are integrity problems with the database itself.

colin.stephane 2016-02-15 11:17

Re: Cannot edit N9 contacts

Originally Posted by sureshkj (Post 1379551)
Need your help!

I cannot modify my N9 contacts. After editing the contact, If I try to save, the screen stays there with no response. But it is not happening for all the contacts, for few contacts I can edit and save. Please help to resolve this. Thanks in advance.

Sometime the problem can come from merged contacts ...

Can you check if you can un-merge, made modifications and after re-merge the contacts.

Hope it help ...


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