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slaapliedje 2013-10-21 16:31

[Request] Phone Spam Filter support?
I was looking around in the new FreePBX at CallerID look up systems, and one of them listed was

In looking it up, it's a blocking system for Telemarketers. How cool would it be to do a caching lookup of these numbers for blocking telemarketers?


Mikkosssss 2013-10-21 17:07

Re: [Request] Phone Spam Filter support?
Theres Firewall or something (cant remember name) in store that you can paste list of numhers you want block.
It costs 5e.
Havent tried it but you can if its what you are looking for.

nieldk 2013-10-21 17:16

Re: [Request] Phone Spam Filter support?
search finds many things....

slaapliedje 2013-10-21 17:37

Re: [Request] Phone Spam Filter support?
Yeah, I have that program, Firewall+ Pro. Unfortunately copying and pasting isn't really an ideal solution, since you'd almost constantly need to be doing it. An automated process that synchronizes the list would be great though.


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