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paolo_3_1415926 2013-11-09 12:03

[Announce] r-base for Harmattan

I have compiled the official r-base source code for Harmattan, and added the package to OpenRepos. This means that you can now enjoy statistical computation anywhere! On a plane! On a bus! How exciting! ;)

On a more serious note, here is a bit of information about R, straight from CRAN.


R is ‘GNU S’, a freely available language and environment for statistical computing and graphics which provides a wide variety of statistical and graphical techniques: linear and nonlinear modelling, statistical tests, time series analysis, classification, clustering, etc. Please consult the R project homepage for further information.
Official website for R is here.

The r-base package is currently at version 3.0.2 (Frisbee Sailing) and contains the default set of packages. Below there is a full dump of the contents of this package.


> installed.packages()
Package LibPath Version Priority
base "base" "/opt/R/lib/R/library" "3.0.2" "base"
boot "boot" "/opt/R/lib/R/library" "1.3-9" "recommended"
class "class" "/opt/R/lib/R/library" "7.3-9" "recommended"
cluster "cluster" "/opt/R/lib/R/library" "1.14.4" "recommended"
codetools "codetools" "/opt/R/lib/R/library" "0.2-8" "recommended"
compiler "compiler" "/opt/R/lib/R/library" "3.0.2" "base"
datasets "datasets" "/opt/R/lib/R/library" "3.0.2" "base"
foreign "foreign" "/opt/R/lib/R/library" "0.8-55" "recommended"
graphics "graphics" "/opt/R/lib/R/library" "3.0.2" "base"
grDevices "grDevices" "/opt/R/lib/R/library" "3.0.2" "base"
grid "grid" "/opt/R/lib/R/library" "3.0.2" "base"
KernSmooth "KernSmooth" "/opt/R/lib/R/library" "2.23-10" "recommended"
lattice "lattice" "/opt/R/lib/R/library" "0.20-23" "recommended"
MASS "MASS" "/opt/R/lib/R/library" "7.3-29" "recommended"
Matrix "Matrix" "/opt/R/lib/R/library" "1.0-14" "recommended"
methods "methods" "/opt/R/lib/R/library" "3.0.2" "base"
mgcv "mgcv" "/opt/R/lib/R/library" "1.7-26" "recommended"
nlme "nlme" "/opt/R/lib/R/library" "3.1-111" "recommended"
nnet "nnet" "/opt/R/lib/R/library" "7.3-7" "recommended"
parallel "parallel" "/opt/R/lib/R/library" "3.0.2" "base"
rpart "rpart" "/opt/R/lib/R/library" "4.1-3" "recommended"
spatial "spatial" "/opt/R/lib/R/library" "7.3-7" "recommended"
splines "splines" "/opt/R/lib/R/library" "3.0.2" "base"
stats "stats" "/opt/R/lib/R/library" "3.0.2" "base"
stats4 "stats4" "/opt/R/lib/R/library" "3.0.2" "base"
survival "survival" "/opt/R/lib/R/library" "2.37-4" "recommended"
tcltk "tcltk" "/opt/R/lib/R/library" "3.0.2" "base"
tools "tools" "/opt/R/lib/R/library" "3.0.2" "base"
utils "utils" "/opt/R/lib/R/library" "3.0.2" "base"
Some screenshots:

Before leaving you to enjoy the package, a few notes.

First, while the package has been tested quite a bit and should be completely safe, during installation apt will still complain about files not being listed in the digsigsums file. I have searched left and right, but I found very little information about how to add the file hashes to this mysterious file. Any pointer or help with this aspect of the packaging will be greatly appreciated.

I am also planning an additional r-enhanced package. As some of R packages require compilation upon installation, it may not be possible to install said packages straight from r-base on your device. Hence the r-enhanced package, that will provide some packages pre-installed. If someone wants a particular package to be added to r-enhanced, please drop me a note and I'll try to get the package in.

Finally the usual disclaimers. The r-base package for harmattan has been tested as much as possible, it is a straight recompilation of the official source code with just a few modifications of the build scripts, but still you should install it with care and only if you know what you are doing. I won't take any responsibilities for damages caused directly or indirectly by the installation and/or use of this package.



nodevel 2013-11-09 18:54

Re: [Announce] r-base for Harmattan
This is great, thank you!

I don't own any Harmattan device, but it gives me some hope r-base might finally work (again) on N900 and on Jolla as well.

...and it is good to know I am not the only one here using R :)

paolo_3_1415926 2013-11-10 08:29

Re: [Announce] r-base for Harmattan
Nice to hear from a fellow R user! You are definitely not alone :)


I don't own any Harmattan device, but it gives me some hope r-base might finally work (again) on N900 and on Jolla as well.
I think you can rejoice. I cannot imagine anything that would make R not run on those devices. Once I am done with the r-extended package, I may prepare Fremantle (N900) packages of both r-base and r-extended. It should really just be a matter of setting up a fremantle scratchbox target, recompiling, packaging and testing.

mm0zct 2013-12-13 14:30

Re: [Announce] r-base for Harmattan
Ahah, I thought there must be a TMO thread for this, I found it in the OpenRepo and made come comments about dependencies (which may be fixed now?) It's great to see R available so thanks for building and packaging it :)

I was wondering if it was possible to rebuilt with a slight modification to the R source, so that new graph windows are created "fullscreen", rather than windowed. This gets rid of the grey toolbar at the bottom of the graphs.

If you don't have your build environment set up any more I could always have a stab at it myself, but my sdk seems to be a bit flaky, at least none of the gles examples work.

paolo_3_1415926 2013-12-13 16:28

Re: [Announce] r-base for Harmattan

Ahah, I thought there must be a TMO thread for this, I found it in the OpenRepo and made come comments about dependencies (which may be fixed now?) It's great to see R available so thanks for building and packaging it :)
Thanks to you for reporting the dependency problem - it should be fixed now :)


I was wondering if it was possible to rebuilt with a slight modification to the R source, so that new graph windows are created "fullscreen", rather than windowed. This gets rid of the grey toolbar at the bottom of the graphs.

If you don't have your build environment set up any more I could always have a stab at it myself, but my sdk seems to be a bit flaky, at least none of the gles examples work.
I really like the idea. Indeed on a portable device it really important to optimize the use of the screen estate. Frankly it also looks like one of those really easy changes, but I will have to look into it.

My current plan is to find the time to first wrap up the r-extended package, but this sounds like the next step for r-base/r-extended for Harmattan.

Kabouik 2013-12-13 22:42

Re: [Announce] r-base for Harmattan
Thanks a lot, this is something I had on the N900 through EasyDebian and missed on the N9. Never tried to install it with Harmchom though, probably because of the lack of a keyboard. R is not gonna be so fun without full keyboard, but it's good that it's available, we will at least be able to run scripts. :)

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