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coderus 2013-11-09 13:14

Just killed laptop LCD. No more further development.
Posting in forum to let you know.
Killed laptop LCD and cant continue any development by oblivious reason.

praveenchand 2013-11-09 13:24

Re: Just killed laptop LCD. No more further development.
oh! no....a big loss for community then...hope you sort out this very soon....i expect support from wishes..

coderus 2013-11-09 13:34

Re: Just killed laptop LCD. No more further development.
i cant get new lcd soon, sorry

AMD 2013-11-09 19:39

Re: Just killed laptop LCD. No more further development.
Sh*t! We can't get a replacement of you as well :( Well, sorry for that.
Good luck!

gerbick 2013-11-09 20:13

Re: Just killed laptop LCD. No more further development.
Man, that's a tragedy. Can't you use your existing laptop + DVI connector + monitor to continue doing your coding though?

szymeczek34 2013-11-09 22:23

Oh, come on, we need to donate Coderus so that he can continue what he does best.

colin.stephane 2013-11-09 23:39

Re: Just killed laptop LCD. No more further development.
What type of lcd screen you breaked ?


nokiabot 2013-11-10 06:15

Re: Just killed laptop LCD. No more further development.
fundraiser roof on fire !!!!!! Come one guys

endsormeans 2013-11-10 07:03

Re: Just killed laptop LCD. No more further development.
Sorry I couldn't afford more at the moment... but I threw 5.00 your way...if everyone does the same tho you should be able to get a replacement in no time :)

pichlo 2013-11-10 09:07

Re: Just killed laptop LCD. No more further development.
I don't know about Russia but here in the UK we have charity shops where you can buy old crap slightly outdated tech for next to nothing. Like a 17" CRT monitor for £5.

Edit: $10 coming your way towards a new laptop.

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