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mscion 2013-11-18 15:11

Making Arcade using N900 or N9
Has anyone tried to run arcade games like space invaders, pac man or asteroids on N900 or N9. If so I 'd like to resurrect them to try make something like this. Thanks!

EDIT: Maybe this is a possible thing to try on Jolla Phone?

Mikkosssss 2013-11-18 15:22

Re: Making Arcade using N900 or N9
For N9 Theres Emumaster in store and you can play Ps1 GBA NES and other games with it.

Bazza 2013-11-22 04:29

Re: Making Arcade using N900 or N9
Also try this for n900 with wireless six axis controller it works ok, you may need to overclock to get better results though.

read this thread too.

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