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JamHobson 2013-12-01 10:45

Lipstick UI

I am not new to programming but I am quite new to linux. I would like to try and build my own UI like the one that Nemo uses and found that it uses lipstick. Can some one tell me how to get lipstick and its dependancy on mer and start playing around with them.

Thank you

mikecomputing 2013-12-01 10:46

Re: Lipstick UI


JamHobson 2013-12-01 10:48

Re: Lipstick UI

Originally Posted by mikecomputing (Post 1391330)

Thank you for the link but how to I build and install it along with its dependancies?

qwazix 2013-12-01 11:11

Re: Lipstick UI
I think it would be easier to get a vm build of nemo and modify colorful home and themes.

mikecomputing 2013-12-01 11:20

Re: Lipstick UI

Originally Posted by JamHobson (Post 1391331)
Thank you for the link but how to
I build and install it along with its dependancies?

Dunno if lipstick runs directly on some linuxdist. But atleast your Linuxdist must have Qt5.

There probadly alot of dependies. I think you better try do it inside a merSDK/SailfishSDK:

But thats a bit tricky to learn and need patient and alot of tweeking mersdk is actually the build machine and runs best inside a Virtual machine:

when that is setup you need to download and install an nemo rootimage inside mersdk/buildmachine and one for the actual target machine/device.

When all is up the build is done inside mersdk:


git clone
cd lipstick
mb2 build

This can also be done in QTCreator if that is setup correctly.

Actually I think its simpler to learn by installing SDK and learn all stuff about mersdk build server and so on before start play with lipstick :)

Copernicus 2015-12-14 23:02

Re: Lipstick UI
Sorry to bring up an old thread, but I have the exact same question. I've pulled down a Sailfish image for the Nexus 7 and installed it, pulled down the Mer SDK and (following the instructions) have built an image, and have generally exhausted all the documentation that I can find. Now, I want to play around with constructing a UI on top of Mer, and I've reached the same point: the lipstick and lipstick-home source code.

I'm just wondering, before I dive head-first into the code, is there any other documentation I am missing? :) It just seems to me that the existing Mer Wiki docs describe the SDK and the packaging process in quite a bit of detail, but never actually describe what Mer itself is in any detail...

coderus 2015-12-15 06:22

Re: Lipstick UI
You just installed SailfishOS on your nexus 7, just installed SDK, and first thing you want to do is compile new lipstick with new UI, right?

Copernicus 2015-12-15 09:49

Re: Lipstick UI

Originally Posted by coderus (Post 1491534)
You just installed SailfishOS on your nexus 7, just installed SDK, and first thing you want to do is compile new lipstick with new UI, right?

I installed an ancient SailfishOS image on the tablet, which was mostly broken; but it was the only version I could find for the Nexus 7. (The Plasma Active 4 image was even older, but at least it worked.) With the SDK, I can create an up-to-date armv7hl image (which, crossing my fingers, will be compatible with the Nexus 7 -- I'm still trying to work out whether I need to configure Hybris manually), but presumably lacking a UI; so, I next need to figure out how to add a minimal UI to the thing. So yes, my understanding is that Lipstick exists in the minimal Mer build, and I just need to add a Lipstick-Home package. I think. :)

Anyway, yeah, I'm kinda just starting from scratch, and learning how everything works. :)

r0kk3rz 2015-12-15 10:54

Re: Lipstick UI

Originally Posted by Copernicus (Post 1491551)
I installed an ancient SailfishOS image on the tablet, which was mostly broken; but it was the only version I could find for the Nexus 7. (The Plasma Active 4 image was even older, but at least it worked.) With the SDK, I can create an up-to-date armv7hl image (which, crossing my fingers, will be compatible with the Nexus 7 -- I'm still trying to work out whether I need to configure Hybris manually), but presumably lacking a UI; so, I next need to figure out how to add a minimal UI to the thing. So yes, my understanding is that Lipstick exists in the minimal Mer build, and I just need to add a Lipstick-Home package. I think. :)

Anyway, yeah, I'm kinda just starting from scratch, and learning how everything works. :)

Maybe better to run through the HADK and generate a newer SFOS base to work from.

From my understanding what you are trying to do wont really work

Copernicus 2015-12-15 11:13

Re: Lipstick UI

Originally Posted by r0kk3rz (Post 1491557)
Maybe better to run through the HADK and generate a newer SFOS base to work from.

Aha! Thank you, the HADK PDF looks like it has a whole lot more info than the Mer Wikis do at the moment. :) This'll get me up to speed more quickly.


From my understanding what you are trying to do wont really work
Well, honestly, I have no interest in actually porting SFOS to the Nexus 7. While I'm perfectly happy to purchase a Sailfish device or OS, I have no interest in helping to port a closed-source product; that's Jolla's business (literally). But, I would like to try out Mer on a device myself, to see what it can really do... So yeah, I do want to create my own UI.

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