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drfei 2013-12-19 08:47

help !!my sib and filebox on N900 doesn't work !!
For some reason ,I get something wrong on software .I wanted to get update one day .It showed that there are some errors so that I can't get update .the software libqt4-core,etc.
needs the newest version , but I got wrong vresion from .Now my software based on libqt4-core on my n900 such as sib,KMPlayer ,filebox...can not work.when I click the icon , it would quit immediately. I reinstalled them ,however ,it's no use !What should I do now???

PS:Maybe there are some grammar mistakes:(,I'm not an English speaker:( .I am sorry about my mistakes .:)

michaaa62 2013-12-19 13:27

Re: help !!my sib and filebox on N900 doesn't work !!
Do you have rootsh installed? Because finding the error is much easier from the command line than going through the log of Hildon Application Manager (HAM).

Are you able to use the built-in Hildon File Manager to work flawless?

Useful output from the X-Terminal application

sudo gainroot
dpkg --configure -a
apt-get update
apt-get install -f
apt-get upgrade

Please try to copy and paste the commands as well as the output to prevent typos.

drfei 2013-12-19 16:03

Re: help !!my sib and filebox on N900 doesn't work !!

Originally Posted by michaaa62 (Post 1398712)
Do you have rootsh installed? Because finding the error is much easier from the command line than going through the log of Hildon Application Manager (HAM).

Are you able to use the built-in Hildon File Manager to work flawless?

Useful output from the X-Terminal application

sudo gainroot
dpkg --configure -a
apt-get update
apt-get install -f
apt-get upgrade

Please try to copy and paste the commands as well as the output to prevent typos.

OK,I'll try later ,but what 's the built-in Hildon File Manager?

pichlo 2013-12-19 16:34

Re: help !!my sib and filebox on N900 doesn't work !!
Err, the one called "File Manager". Also known as osso-filemanager.

It's pre-installed on your device.

drfei 2013-12-20 15:31

Re: help !!my sib and filebox on N900 doesn't work !!

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1398789)
Err, the one called "File Manager". Also known as osso-filemanager.

It's pre-installed on your device.

I got that ,thanks

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