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akalancelot 2013-12-19 12:49

No Jolla updates and can't connect to store
So I have purchased a Jolla phone and I am struggling to get it working.

I have got the Mobile data and WLAN working correctly now.

However it won't find the updates on the About Product Settings page.

It just sits there saying "Checking" forever.

Also I can't create an account on the Jolla Store it just says "Oops problem with account creation"

Any ideas - 'first one' stuck at the first step :)

HtheB 2013-12-19 12:51

Re: No Jolla updates and can't connect to store
Hi welcome to the forums.

Did you check out this topic?

MisterMaster 2013-12-19 12:54

Re: No Jolla updates and can't connect to store
There you at least can create an account:

So try to log in to that in your phone and try to update after that. Dont know it will help but it might.

akalancelot 2013-12-19 12:59

Re: No Jolla updates and can't connect to store
Yes I have logged in now to the store.

And I have been told I have a system update.

Thanks people very helpful.

HtheB 2013-12-19 13:09

Re: No Jolla updates and can't connect to store

Originally Posted by akalancelot (Post 1398707)
Yes I have logged in now to the store.

And I have been told I have a system update.

Thanks people very helpful.

please don't forget to press the "Thanks Button"

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