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FotixChiang 2013-12-23 19:46

Is there any flash tool for linux arm?
I noticed they are always for x86 or amd64. is there any tool for arm device to flash the handset.
ps:Merry Christmas. Although we Chinese like Spring Festival more.:D

lonk 2013-12-23 19:55

Re: Is there any flash tool for linux arm?
for n900? flasher3.5 works with arm, I've once flashed my second n900 with my main n900 :)

FotixChiang 2013-12-23 20:13

Re: Is there any flash tool for linux arm?

Originally Posted by lonk (Post 1400094)
for n900? flasher3.5 works with arm, I've once flashed my second n900 with my main n900 :)

wow! it seems great! But i still have n9. could flasher3.5 work for harmattan with arm?

nieldk 2013-12-23 20:18

Re: Is there any flash tool for linux arm?
no, harmattan uses another verdion of flasher (3.12)

FotixChiang 2013-12-23 20:25

Re: Is there any flash tool for linux arm?

Originally Posted by nieldk (Post 1400102)
no, harmattan uses another verdion of flasher (3.12)

that means flasher3.5 is useless for harmattan.:eek:
how but flasher3.12? could it work with arm?

qwazix 2013-12-23 21:32

Re: Is there any flash tool for linux arm?
I doubt the downloadable flasher3.5 closed source binary would work on arm. On the other hand the N900 comes with flasher compiled for arm preinstalled, which is what was used to flash one n900 from the other.

On harmattan there is no trace of such a tool unfortunately.

Maybe 0xFFFF will do the job?

FotixChiang 2013-12-24 05:33

Re: Is there any flash tool for linux arm?

Originally Posted by qwazix (Post 1400123)
I doubt the downloadable flasher3.5 closed source binary would work on arm. On the other hand the N900 comes with flasher compiled for arm preinstalled, which is what was used to flash one n900 from the other.

On harmattan there is no trace of such a tool unfortunately.

Maybe 0xFFFF will do the job?

I have just got a Raspberry Pi. it is really nice card device. so it comes to me that how about use RPi as the PC to flash handset like a true x86 or amd64 PC.
as i have a n900 with broken screen, maybe i can try.:)

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