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mrsellout 2013-12-30 09:14

On Hacking MicroSD Cards
Andrew “bunnie” Huang has just written an interesting blog about the vulnerabilities some SD cards (and other flash based media, i.e. microsd, emmc, MMC, iNAND, SSD, and USB flash drive devices) may have in the microcontrollers that manage them.

Certainly food for thought given the Snowden revelations, and also the discussions in our community about the security of the components that comprise the neo900.

He also gives a positive potential use as a cheap data logging solution for I2C based sensors. The Jolla and if I'm not mistaken the neo900 both expose an I2C interface, maybe someone can find an inventive use?

PS. btw for fans of the neo900 idea, I recommend reading up on the Novena project that bunnie's involved with (and mentioned in the article above). It's basically an open laptop.

theonelaw 2013-12-31 10:25

Re: On Hacking MicroSD Cards
This sounds like the shot heard around the world.

Windows malware was always the big pain,
but given the promiscuity of USB disks
this could be the story of 2014.
Given this news,
maybe some localized OS hardening would be the ticket.

There should be a lot of opportunities to go with this as well:

Just download (for only 25euros):D
guaranteed to solve your worries...:rolleyes:

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