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seiichiro0185 2014-01-05 15:38

[In Store][v0.4] SailOTP - A Sailfish Google Authenticator Client
3 Attachment(s)
Hi there,

today I would like to introduce my first attempt of a sailfish application: SailOTP

SailOTP is a sailfish Implementation of Google Authenticator and can be used to generate Two-Factor-Tokens for Login on supported Webservices like Google, Linode, Github and others.

Usage of the app is quite simple. One can add new OTP-entries using the pulley-menu. The type of token can be selected. Title and the shared secret have to be provided. For counter based HOTP-tokens the counter value for the next update of the Token can be set. The default of 1 is the standard value for new HOTP-tokens and should not be changed.

The main view of the app will show a list off all entries and their current One-Time-Tokens. The entries will be regenerated every 30 seconds, the remaining time for the current tokens is shown through a progress bar at the top of the app. HOTP-type tokens are not updated automatically, instead a refresh button is shown on the right of the token to calculate the next value and increment the counter An entry can be edited or deleted by long-pressing on it.

One entry can be stared by tapping the star icon on the left. the stared item will be shown on the ActiveCover. If the Token is timer based, it will be refreshed every 30 seconds. 5 seconds before the token changes it's color will change to red. For counter based tokens a cover action to calculate the next token is shown instead. The item can be unstared by tapping the star icon again on the main view.

From the main view a token can be copied to the clipboard by tapping on it.

The app is now on OpenRepos:

If you have any questions feel free to ask. Also any comments or suggestions are very welcome. And if someone wants to create a better Icon to replace my poor attempt at graphics design feel free to do so :D

The code will be released on github in the next days, I have to do some cleanup and commenting before that ;)

EDIT: Code is now on Github:


Version 0.4
  • Added possibility to use HOTP-tokens

Version 0.3
  • Added possibility to "star" an entry to show it on the ActiveCover
  • Tokens can be copied to the clipboard by tapping on the

Version 0.2
  • Added possibility to edit entries
  • Better input checks
  • Better handling of invalid secrets

Version 0.1
  • Initial Version

Once the App got some testing and possible refinements, I will submit it to the Jolla Store.

SwitchBlade 2014-01-06 11:17

Re: [WIP] SailOTP - A Sailfish Google Authenticator Client
Just tested it on mine, all works well and the interface is nice and does the job required fine. Nice one chap.

cy8aer 2014-01-06 12:55

Re: [WIP] SailOTP - A Sailfish Google Authenticator Client
My OTP applications only have some QRCode. Still waiting for a barcode reader together with SailOTP (which should do it's job after initialization :))

seiichiro0185 2014-01-06 13:27

Re: [WIP] SailOTP - A Sailfish Google Authenticator Client

Originally Posted by cy8aer (Post 1404216)
My OTP applications only have some QRCode. Still waiting for a barcode reader together with SailOTP (which should do it's job after initialization :))

Thats right, at the moment one can only add the keys by hand, or by using an android qr-reader, copying the secret and pasting into SailOTP :)

This is definitly on my long term todo list, but I would rather like to have integration with a full blown QR reader, instead of doing one from scratch just for SailOTP.

cy8aer 2014-01-06 13:40

Re: [WIP] SailOTP - A Sailfish Google Authenticator Client

Originally Posted by seiichiro0185 (Post 1404223)
Thats right, at the moment one can only add the keys by hand, or by using an android qr-reader, copying the secret and pasting into SailOTP :)

Hey ist CutCopyPaste from Android->Sailfish possible? Did not try this by now...

seiichiro0185 2014-01-06 13:48

Re: [WIP] SailOTP - A Sailfish Google Authenticator Client
Well, I just tried and it seems it is not possible, although I thought it worked at some point.. But maybe its just working for some apps or something like this..

So at the moment you would have to type the key by hand from the Android QR-Reader.

That means we need a native QR-Reader ASAP ;)

seiichiro0185 2014-01-06 19:22

Re: [WIP] SailOTP - A Sailfish Google Authenticator Client
As promised, the code is now on github:

Enjoy ;)

seiichiro0185 2014-01-08 18:45

Re: [WIP][v0.2] SailOTP - A Sailfish Google Authenticator Client
Version 0.2 is out. Also the app is now on openrepos. See first post for details.

seiichiro0185 2014-01-10 19:20

Re: [WIP][v0.3] SailOTP - A Sailfish Google Authenticator Client
And here comes the next Version. Now with a usefull Active Cover :)

See first post for details

seiichiro0185 2014-01-12 18:00

Re: [WIP][v0.4] SailOTP - A Sailfish Google Authenticator Client
And another update: HOTP-tokens (Counter based) are now supported.

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