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mohsin2156 2014-01-06 11:42

can i instal meego on my n900/
am new on this forum....can any one help me?
i want to instal meego on my n900....i have android and maemo 5

AMD 2014-01-06 11:58

Re: can i instal meego on my n900/
1- Please try to fix your language as much as possible. Maybe use Google Translate?
2- No, unfortunately, not possible.

chenliangchen 2014-01-06 12:49

Re: can i instal meego on my n900/

Originally Posted by AMD (Post 1404201)
1- Please try to fix your language as much as possible. Maybe use Google Translate?
2- No, unfortunately, not possible.

I think his language is OK, better than Google Translate. Not everyone speaks good English, since we understand him it is ok. This is not English grammar or linguistics forum.

For meego, you can install nemo which I believe is a fork of MeeGo. But for Harmattan, no. Even if Harmattan is open source, N900's hardware will be struggling as even 512mb ram N950 lags as hell...

Why you want meego on N900 anyway as Frementle is better than Harmattan to my point of view...

AMD 2014-01-07 13:17

Re: can i instal meego on my n900/
My point was for everyone to fully understand the dude, but still, yes, it's fine

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