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SMPC - MusicPD (MPD) Client
as I've just uploaded a big update for SMPC - MPD Client I would like to open this thread for support and maybe feature requests if there are any left :). The features are: The 1.1.0 version features a local database for metadata. You can bulkdownload all your cover/artists pictures and have a nice media view in this application. Swipe left in album/artist view for album/artist information Features: - album view - artist view - local metadata database - filebrowser - search - basic playlist control - multiple server profiles - output control - automatic reconnect to last connected server So here is a link to openrepos: https://openrepos.net/content/djselbeck/smpc Source code of course: https://github.com/djselbeck/smpc and some screenshots: https://openrepos.net/sites/default/...0108203526.jpg https://openrepos.net/sites/default/...0108204130.jpg https://openrepos.net/sites/default/...0102030923.png https://openrepos.net/sites/default/...0119171102.png https://openrepos.net/sites/default/...0119171532.png PS: Updated version just commited to harbour. |
Re: [SailfishOS] SMPC - MusicPD (MPD) Client
is it possible to send music via bluetooth?
Re: [SailfishOS] SMPC - MusicPD (MPD) Client
Nope it is just an MPD CLient. so basically it just controls what the server (usually on a PC) plays.
Re: [SailfishOS] SMPC - MusicPD (MPD) Client
Any chance on playback being incorporated? As much as I love mpd and basically use it almost exclusively I do dislike having two screens open for control and playback. Also, afaik Sailfish has no internet radio player yet, so there is even more reason... :) Again, thanks. |
Re: [SailfishOS] SMPC - MusicPD (MPD) Client
Just to be clear we are on the samepage ;), what you need is playback of an streaming output from your MPD server?
I'll have a look into this in the future but not right now, I need a small pause from developing smpc ;) the local db took quite some time. |
Re: [SailfishOS] SMPC - MusicPD (MPD) Client
Now we're on the topic of local db's anyway, is it correct searches (agin, thanks for those!) are not stored somewhere? It would make returning to previous search results a lot faster. An oddity I noticed is the album art. I see some gibberish whilst in full screen, so I figured I did not have the artwork available (even though it was there when I selected the song), and then I go to multitask view, and the artwork appears as an overlay for the smpc instance. Don't know what's up with that. An lastly (forgive me): I have a rather large collection on my server. You think it's possible to add an alphabetic fastscroll as used within Harmattan here and there? Scrolling right now is a bit cumbersome with almost a thousand artists and bands. |
Re: [SailfishOS] SMPC - MusicPD (MPD) Client
About fast scrolling. It is already there. Try scrolling on the right side of the display. the fast scroll area is rather small to not colide with album/artist grid view elements.
About the artwork issue I'll have a look. Searches are not stored locally. I don't think this is possible because I can't check if search results would have changed without getting the actual result from server, I think. I could try to optimize the result fetching a bit, maybe. |
Re: [SailfishOS] SMPC - MusicPD (MPD) Client
The fetching itself seems pretty quick. But I have only tried it locally, so far. |
Re: [SailfishOS] SMPC - MusicPD (MPD) Client
/usr/share/harbour-smpc/qml/components/SectionScroller.qml and replace Code:
Item { Code:
Item { |
Re: [SailfishOS] SMPC - MusicPD (MPD) Client
Works perfect now. _O_ Thanks.
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