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drfei 2014-01-17 18:18

I can't boot my n900,What should I do?
I'm looking through this thread"",and I just installed

then,I can't get in my os .I don't want to flash it.I had updated the community.Is there any trouble with it? How can I get in it?:(

freemangordon 2014-01-17 18:21

Re: I can't boot my n900,What should I do?
flash the stock kernel (and only the kernel) with flasher3.5

eneitten usr XD 2014-01-17 22:15

Re: I can't boot my n900,What should I do?
how to cd to flasher folder so i can actually flash iti have everything needed installed

just doont know how to use the cmd and make it go to the flasher folder

it says system cannot find path specified

pleaaaassee help ive spent days and done everything i could

its been a while snce i had a n900 and somehoow i cannot get it right this time

the one i had befor i did all to it ,,,oc,,batery patch etc

just now in 2014 i cannot get it

drfei 2014-01-18 01:17

Re: I can't boot my n900,What should I do?

Originally Posted by eneitten usr XD (Post 1407189)
how to cd to flasher folder so i can actually flash iti have everything needed installed

just doont know how to use the cmd and make it go to the flasher folder

it says system cannot find path specified

pleaaaassee help ive spent days and done everything i could

its been a while snce i had a n900 and somehoow i cannot get it right this time

the one i had befor i did all to it ,,,oc,,batery patch etc

just now in 2014 i cannot get it

Are you sure you have installed flasher ?:D Just open cmd under administer ,then go and find the path of flasher ,there is no need for you to change the path when you install it .then copy that ,type "cd ******",enter,now you can flash it .

Or you can find flasher3.5 in star menu ,run it under administer ,both ok .
I am sorry for my poor English ,I think you may understand what I say :P

drfei 2014-01-18 01:19

Re: I can't boot my n900,What should I do?

Originally Posted by freemangordon (Post 1407158)
flash the stock kernel (and only the kernel) with flasher3.5

How can I flash kernel only ?thanks

nieldk 2014-01-18 06:58

Re: I can't boot my n900,What should I do?
use --flash-only=kernel parameter to flasher command

michaaa62 2014-01-18 07:32

Re: I can't boot my n900,What should I do?
Here is the complete command in the great wiki article on flashing the firmware, including that windows OS.

yaliang 2014-01-18 10:13

Re: I can't boot my n900,What should I do?
unrar this

than put it into C:\Program Files\maemo\flasher-3.5

flasher-3.5.exe -k chongsheng -f -R

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