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endsormeans 2014-03-06 11:53

Chinook firmware
I was trying to hunt down the Chinook firmware for both the n800 and n810. Wished them for testing purposes

Never mind ....found what I needed

jcharpak 2014-03-07 17:58

Re: Chinook firmware
is there a specific reason you need chinook firmware? Diablo firmware was the latest and except for some really obscure and exotic cases, Diablo is what people typically run on N8x0s (for those who still use an N8x0).

jcharpak 2014-03-07 20:46

Re: Chinook firmware
ok that's perfectly fine. You fall into the obscure cases part of my response. Actually I thought I was responding to one of the "new to maemo" users (whom you've actually responded to) and didn't notice I was responding to an experienced maemo member.

shadowjk 2014-03-15 09:33

Re: Chinook firmware
Out of interest, what in particular about chinook is it you need it for?

iirc, there were only a few things that annoyed me in chinook-diablo upgrade, ctrl-l shortcut in browser no longer working, and tap on image in browser to zoom to view.

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