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Ancelad 2014-03-19 11:15

[HOWTO] Enlarge call-avatar without loss of quality in MeeGo Harmattan
1 Attachment(s)
Many people know about tweak Q from N9QT (it enlarges call-avatar). However, the existing mechanism for handling avatar keeps them in very poor quality, and it is noticeable if you apply mod from N9QT...

One day, I have accidentally discovered folder that stores contacts avatars. And I have decided to remake modification. Below is the result of my labors.


1) This modification isn't for lazy people.
2) It works only with blanco (and sailfish) themes. I will do ti for all in the future.
3) You use it at your own risk.

Let's go:

1) Install attached deb and reboot (refresh) your phone.
2) Go to Settings - Avatar Settings and follow instructions.
3) Enjoy!!!

This course of action is important! Any deviation from the instructions will not lead to the desired result. Attention - file names are generated randomly and each time you change the avatar it binds to new png-file! For this reason, I was not able to automate the process.

If you don't like it - just uninstall deb and reboot (refresh) your phone.

Sailfish-theme (future feature):

baboo 2014-03-19 12:25

Re: [HOWTO] Enlarge call-avatar without loss of quality in MeeGo Harmattan
Thank you for your work,it looks great.But is it possible to be with rounded edges instead of squared ?

Ancelad 2014-03-19 12:42

Re: [HOWTO] Enlarge call-avatar without loss of quality in MeeGo Harmattan

cp -rfv /opt/enlarged_avatar/backup/*.png /usr/share/themes/blanco/meegotouch/images/theme/basement/meegotouch-avatar/

And refresh your phone

Ancelad 2014-07-09 10:19

Re: [HOWTO] Enlarge call-avatar without loss of quality in MeeGo Harmattan

Boxeri 2014-07-09 12:41

Re: [HOWTO] Enlarge call-avatar without loss of quality in MeeGo Harmattan
Absolutely brilliant!

Great! Have waited this for so long, that now I have to start using my beloved N9 over Jolla for couple of days :p

cabiludo 2014-07-11 01:05

Re: [HOWTO] Enlarge call-avatar without loss of quality in MeeGo Harmattan
cool APP, but I'm five hours trying to customize the photos for better pictures and is too complicated.


cabiludo 2014-07-11 13:14

Re: [HOWTO] Enlarge call-avatar without loss of quality in MeeGo Harmattan
When the contact has no avatar, it is with a standard design. I tried to change the files in the "/opt/enlarged_avatar/round" and "/opt/enlarged_avatar/icons" and I can not.

I say this because with your program I am unable to make any modifications!

Ancelad 2014-07-11 13:26

Re: [HOWTO] Enlarge call-avatar without loss of quality in MeeGo Harmattan
Do you have root access?

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