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rodald 2014-03-29 20:07

Please Help
Hello everyone please tell me what can I do,

My N900 USB port fell off some time ago, and there is when all started, long story short the USB port fell again three times after that, each time the usb was reattached the device started to reboot loop and when it booted it would reboot at any time out of no where, each time this happened I reflashed which didnt really fixed the problem but the reboots where less often almost disapearing, some time ago the port fell again, I took it to the repair shop again but they werent able to fix it this time, they told me that the pins the port is attached to had disapeared so they couldnt fix it, since they took the port away and tried to put in an other one the device started to loop again, when it does boot most of the time the whole system is messed up (as shown in the video) and when it works some things just dont work, for example microb crashes, email app crashes, device crashes when streaming music or videos, basicaly anything makes the device crash, and after that it reboots leading to reboot loops most of the time, even without using the device it reboots out of no where.

The problem is that I am not able to reflash this time since there is no USB port, I do have backupmenu installed but I dont have the fresh backupmenu images and some members are telling me that flashing from backupmenu isnt a good idea.

Please help, what can I do?

The Device has:
Kernel Power52
CSSU Stable
R&D mode is active

Here is the video that shows how the phone works most of the times when it boots, when it works "normally" I have a picture as the desktop background and I dont have any widgets (google search appears when it boots like this)

When it loops and I open the keyboard it access backupmenu but if I choose to boot from internal Nand it just goes back to loop.

Thanks in advance for the help.

pichlo 2014-03-29 21:24

Re: Please Help
Two things:
1. Please use meaningful thread titles. "Please Help" is about as useless as it gets. You may as well call it "Please Ignore Me".
2. Please do not create new threads for the same problem.

"Some members" are telling you that restoring someone else's backup on your phone may not be a good idea. Restoring your own, even if old, is OK as long as the kernel versions match.

Your problem does indeed sound like a FS corruption, as has been suggested to you in your other thread.

This is what I would do if I were you:
1. Make a list of what is installed on your phone.
2. Create a BM backup of your system in the current (broken) state.
3. Restore an older backup made from the same phone.
4. Individually install/delete applications to bring your system up to date.
5. Copy user data from the backup made in step 2 back to your phone.

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