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azkay 2014-04-14 13:47

How do I turn off screen "breathing"?
Can't seem to find the setting (if it exists), google hasn't been much of a help, I just get a bunch of N900 threads (I swear when I used my N900, it seemed like there were only N9 threads ha).

Anyone know how to disable the screen "breathing" or "pulsing"? I've got my brightness set to lowest, but it still changes brightness automatically every few seconds.

baboo 2014-04-14 14:00

Re: How do I turn off screen "breathing"?
you can use tweak 'bb' from N9Qtweak

azkay 2014-04-14 15:22

Re: How do I turn off screen "breathing"?
Thanks, I'll check that out.

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