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mced 2014-04-27 07:40

Remember box contents?
My Jolla has been stolen and I'm looking for a way to report IMEI number to the police. There is one chance among millions that it will be back to me, but I'd like to try it.

But I'm unable to find that single document, as an invoice, which links my name (and ID number) with my (ex)handset's IMEI.

There is this "packing list" which vaguely includes those items (IMEI is referred as "SerialNumber"), but it's hard to guess this is related to a phone: "item description" is "White 16GB EU".

I can't remember if there was something more accurate.

kimmoli 2014-04-27 07:45

Re: Remember box contents?
Dont know is it enough but on your Jolla account page, there is also IMEI numbers.

mced 2014-04-27 08:06

Re: Remember box contents?
Yep, I know it, thanks. But I guess a printed screenshot is even worse than a packing list.

minimos 2014-04-27 15:49

Re: Remember box contents?
How did you buy your phone?
I think you can try to get in contact with Jolla and ask them a receipt that states that Mr. mced has bought in date DD-MM-YYYY a mobile phone with device IMEI xxxxxxxxxx.

mced 2014-04-27 16:16

Re: Remember box contents?
Pre-order, as many people here.

That will be the obvious solution at the end, but what I was trying is know if I *already have* that receipt. OK, I'm a hopeless messy guy, unable to find a simple USB charger at home in less than an hour.

So, everybody here who got a Jolla by pre-order has to own same package and same documents.

coderus 2014-04-27 17:39

Re: Remember box contents?
I think jolla should create tracking and remote control services for registered devices on account page. After stealing can block all jolla services or lock device itself and provide remote tracking on map :)

nieldk 2014-04-27 19:35

Re: Remember box contents?

Originally Posted by coderus (Post 1423038)
I think jolla should create tracking and remote control services for registered devices on account page. After stealing can block all jolla services or lock device itself and provide remote tracking on map :)

To my knowledge, they are working on it.
In the meantime, use prey

and prey-ui by solbrit to control by GUI

coderus 2014-04-27 19:40

Re: Remember box contents?
well, you know what i'm talking about, and it won't work if not built to system :)

nieldk 2014-04-27 19:56

Re: Remember box contents?

Originally Posted by coderus (Post 1423048)
well, you know what i'm talking about, and it won't work if not built to system :)

It will work, if users install pronto!
Oh! And please, do set a lock code to be more sure that it wont be disabled by thiefes.

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