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min0me 2014-04-30 11:54

Meego applications on Sailfish
Is it possiable to run Meego applications on Sailfish without much effort?

I am after a driving application with turn by turn speach...

*I am aware of the legality of what i am asking....

coderus 2014-04-30 12:09

Re: Meego applications on Sailfish
only after recompilation. it's not binary compatible since different Qt version. Or you can install 4.7.4 qt on sailfish and develop something like MeeCoLay for N900

maluka 2014-04-30 12:49

Re: Meego applications on Sailfish
The non-free solution is to use the Sygic Android app. Voice navigation works perfectly. 2014-05-02 22:27

Re: Meego applications on Sailfish
what about running xwayland and chrooting harmattan ? unsure about the integration but I dont see any door closed

Did not said I will dedicate time on hacking a such thing ... :)

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