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sHaggY_caT 2014-04-30 18:19

[Question] about QWERTY keyboard, assemble by Jolla

Originally Posted by stefanmohl (Post 1423493)
The basic problem is that people don't understand the chore of making all these keyboards by hand. People tend to think that producers will meet market demand, as usual in economic theory, however that doesn't apply when the market is as small as Dirkvl ;-)

I think Dirkvl will have to explain on the first post and in direct terms, why he doesn't want to make more keyboards, even if people want to pay for them.

Why Jolla whan't help and assemble HW with conveyor assembly ?

Of cource we are don't understand, becouse we are have problems of hands (understand and hacking software is simpler than hardware hacking)

Anybody have information with firsthand? Why it is not?
And what we can dooing?
May be, open letter will be good idea?

dirkvl 2014-04-30 18:41

Re: [Question] about QWERTY keyboard, assemble by Jolla
information from first hand: they will not make a keyboard. not now, not after open letter. no manpower, no priority.

sHaggY_caT 2014-04-30 19:22

Re: [Question] about QWERTY keyboard, assemble by Jolla
then it is very unfortunate that we missed was included in your pre-order :(

dirkvl 2014-04-30 19:26

Re: [Question] about QWERTY keyboard, assemble by Jolla
couldn't resist

sHaggY_caT 2014-04-30 19:50

Re: [Question] about QWERTY keyboard, assemble by Jolla
Yes, it is'nt fair :)

sHaggY_caT 2014-05-01 11:39

Re: [Question] about QWERTY keyboard, assemble by Jolla
To moderators: please delete this topic, becouse I create this topic:

It is included infromational about jolla plans

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