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rizy 2007-08-30 15:16

SMS Client On the Nokia 770 / 800 ??
Is this even possible? by means of using a separate client? i mean its easy to log into an account for 10 free sms, but are there any other free alternatives without having to log into a web page?

Texrat 2007-08-30 15:46

Re: SMS Client On the Nokia 770 / 800 ??
Sure it's possible. Theoretically at least.

promethh 2007-08-30 16:26

Re: SMS Client On the Nokia 770 / 800 ??
If you install Pidgin, you can SMS from AIM by putting "+" and the country code in front of the entire number. In the US, sending an IM from your N770/N800 to "+12025551212" would SMS that person at "202 555 1212". My wife and I SMS quite a bit from my N800.

I'm not familiar with the UK country code or whether is acting as an SMS gateway in the UK.

Having a native SMS client to your phone might be better, but I haven't seen any yet. While I've coded in Python for Linux servers and for the Danger Hiptop (T-Mobile Sidekick), I haven't touched it yet on the N800. I'm curious how the APIs are.

ScottRD 2007-08-30 16:28

Re: SMS Client On the Nokia 770 / 800 ??
There's that is web based, free, and doesn't require an account. Just open the page, enter the info and press Send.

Texrat 2007-08-30 16:32

Re: SMS Client On the Nokia 770 / 800 ??
Ah, I'll bet it's possible from Googletalk via Gtalktovoip, then, as well.

Good answers guys.

namtastic 2007-08-30 16:34

Re: SMS Client On the Nokia 770 / 800 ??
I'd just like to see something like PC Suite--connects to my phone via Bluetooth, lets me archive stuff, lets me compose MMS/SMS and send directly through same mobile. I really don't understand why it's not developed by now considering it's Nokia and all.

promethh 2007-08-30 16:49

Re: SMS Client On the Nokia 770 / 800 ??

Originally Posted by namtastic (Post 72198)
I'd just like to see something like PC Suite--connects to my phone via Bluetooth, lets me archive stuff, lets me compose MMS/SMS and send directly through same mobile. I really don't understand why it's not developed by now considering it's Nokia and all.

Considering I have a Cingular 8125 (HTC Wizard) running Windows Mobile 6, I have yet to get my Nokia N800 to recognize the 8125 as a phone. I do the Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) under WM6, but N800 still doesn't like it.

The Nokia N800 does, however, play nice with my wife's Palm Treo 650.

Until I have the time to figure out how to make the N800 play nice with my phone, I doubt I'll be investing much time looking for or coding an SMS client. (MMS is a pain, phones and carriers don't implement well, I can't get the same MMS to look the same way twice between my 8125 and my wife's Treo)

rizy 2007-08-30 17:33

Re: SMS Client On the Nokia 770 / 800 ??
Thanks people ! im gonna give gizmosms a try

tabletrat 2007-08-30 17:48

Re: SMS Client On the Nokia 770 / 800 ??

Originally Posted by promethh (Post 72187)
I'm not familiar with the UK country code or whether is acting as an SMS gateway in the UK.


and no, I don't think it does (although there are several free ones on the web that do)

promethh 2007-08-30 18:03

Re: SMS Client On the Nokia 770 / 800 ??

Originally Posted by tabletrat (Post 72237)

and no, I don't think it does (although there are several free ones on the web that do)

Being in the US, I have as my AIM gateway under Pidgin and Trillian. I've SMSed from AIM to multiple carriers in the US and in the Philippines. I don't know anyone in the UK, so haven't been able to test.

Have you tried sending an IM (via AIM) to +44 + number? Until tested, I'm curious to see if it'll work or people are ruling it out because they haven't tested it.

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